(40 replies, posted in Releases)

Monster! Monster! wrote:
low-gain wrote:

Do you use Massive?

I don't use any VSTs, the combination of ACID and my old laptop just won't support them haha.
I may have been on dubstep.fm, I sent them a track or two a while ago to their soundcloud, but not sure if it got played out!

mmk. cool. glad to hear that. I think that VST takes the fun out of it.. makes it too easy.
I think i've heard your stuff before or you manage to get a very similar bass sound to this other track i've heard on there from time to time. then again how many dub step artists are using 8-bit themed items?

i'd love to get more of your material. drop me an email sometime.


(40 replies, posted in Releases)

Yo Monster!Monster! , have I heard your trax played on dubstep.fm?


(40 replies, posted in Releases)

arfink wrote:

tsk, listen closer guys! It's in there, just not completely blatant.

i like that it's not obvious. smile


(40 replies, posted in Releases)

Do you use Massive?

Pictures from the show:

http://www.flickr.com/photos/lameboymus … 113495807/

This is now a "past event"


(11 replies, posted in Trading Post)

no takers?


(178 replies, posted in General Discussion)


i personally think that one of the main advantages of chipmusic is the quick turn-around time; being able to write and record a track in a day is HUGE, especially when coming from rock music where an album can commonly take 2+ years to record, edit, mix, master and release.

yeah it's nice so you can get some feedback on where to take a track, but 100% finished?
thats too fast in my opinion. not something thats going to be on a hardcopy release that ya plan on selling.

Most of my tracks (and this is just me) i get the basic foundation worked out in 1 day... then i sit on it for like 2 months and come back to it. lol


(178 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i'd settle for net labels to have a little back bone and be willing to tell an artist that it's not to their standards. instead of releasing it just because they have the server space and bandwidth.

it's too easy to release an ep or an album. simple as that. anyone can do it, and most people are impatient and want instant gratification/satisfaction...
"i just finished a song, i should release it"

maybe it's not finished, and you should sit on it, and work on it some more. wink


(178 replies, posted in General Discussion)

RG wrote:

Yeah, this has a *lot* to do with it too I'm sure.

totally. hahaha


(178 replies, posted in General Discussion)

RG wrote:

I just need to state that I stand behind Low-Gain 100% on this. It's not negativity as much as it is both being from the upper-Midwest were the attitude is much different than other regions and just being burnt-out on the same old shit. I cannot speak for him however.

Expect less, demand more.

*two thumbs up*


(178 replies, posted in General Discussion)

egr wrote:

I'm guessing you've read "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance"?  If not get on it... it's a discussion on what constitutes Quality and Value and a person's responsibility to produce/personify those qualities.  smile  Actually, I need to re-read that myself.

actually i haven't but thanks for the recommendation. i'll pick it up this weekend.


(178 replies, posted in General Discussion)

You're numbers are too high.
and in reality.. i think it should only count for albums sold.

downloading it too easy. and free.. doesn't mean for anything. someone might download and never listen.
Albums sold.. is what should count.

That being said..

Unicorn Dream Attack. close to 1000 or 1300 records sold. I can't remember how many we got, 1000 or 1300.. but we're almost out.
Time for repressing in Limited Edition vinyl. WooT!

Low-Gain : 60-100 records sold. i really dont keep track of my own record sales. I should, but reality is... i have to dress mine up in fancy packaging to get people to buy them. so what ever. it's just shit late 90's electronic influenced dance music anyways.

Frankly, my opinion of the chip scene for selling records has really taken a 180.. I think there is too much shit being released into the world.
not enough time being put into a record let alone 1 song. people are in too much of a hurry to get as many plays as they can on community websites.
its' all bullshit to me. what's the point? And most of the time we're just selling music to fellow musicians.. never the masses that have no clue what 8bc or cm.org are... I want something more then just niche community... people should be striving for more. striving to push themselves to something bigger, go beyond making a great 4 channel gameboy song.. let go of the BS limitations and do something more with it. it's about the music, not the hardware/software.

So the market is saturated in shit IMHO, and when something really good comes down the pipe, it gets overlooked and only time will tell if it will get recognized for what it should be.

But free downloads should never be considered in something like this.
And most people are too cheap these days to buy chip music. they just assume it should be free.. to which i say, "fuck that"
You pay for quality, and effort. both artist (investing in doing their record right) and consumer (buying a cd/record).

Time to sell it. Need money for parts.
a lot of you have seen me perform with it.
i can post pictures when i'm not at work.
hoping to sell quickly.
I have the box and documents, etc

please PM if interested. thanks.


(99 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

(2 midi jacks are on opposite side for a 1x11)

Just finished up another box tonight. I gave the fancy gameboy case one to UDA, so i needed one for myself.
It allowed me to get pictures for the instruction manual.

That being said... If you guys are interested in a kit, please PM me with the subject: MIDI THRU BOX PROJECT
price will be $60shipped!

Once the instructions are complete, i'll post a thread in the Trading post section.

holy shit that camera's expensive. >_<

is it wrong that i sampled this video to use in song?

Also.. do you know what this video was shot on? The quality looks amazing! and the focal range is like my favorite style. where it just totally diffuses everything that's not in focus.