So are there any other people here interested in DIY modular/analog Synthesis?
I've been working on a few designs as of late, but i wanted to get a little utility project out of the way to help me with R&D...
I purchased (a rather high priced pcb for what it is) a 10step sequencer pcb (Voice of Saturn) from the curious inventor a while ago,
and up until now i haven't had the time to make it.. So i started getting the chassis together. It's not finished by no means, as i haven't wired it yet.
I still need to figure out if i'm going to paint the chassis, label it and clear coat, label and clear coat or just leave it as is and label it. I'm designing a 4 channel version of this on my own not using the voice of saturn pcb but I had this one laying around waiting to be assembled...
Anyways.. if there are a few of you out there i'd love to see some current/past projects... and or maybe start up some discussions about this stuff.
Finished PCB (old rev)
(Panel design)
(Machined the panel after work today)
(Mounted parts to check for errors)
Like i said. Cluster fuck.
Internal ground bussing and stuff. (Not my cleanest work, but again this is for my personal use only)
Finished Wiring the 10 step sections and mounted the PCB.
As you can see from the image... it's a total rats nest. And amazingly enough i can get the chassis closed. Now to figure out the errors in my wiring. >_< I think i'm missing a jumper or something simple. usually is a minor detail i miss. Installed the I/O jacks. I also added Ken Stone's Gate to trigger converter pcb in there for a dual channel Gate to Trigger converter . i normalled the Gate output to the input of the 1st gate->trig input. Runs off a simple 12V laptop supply (didn't need/want battery operation on this one). Let the troubleshooting begin!