(1,206 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

trying to design custom battery covers and print them on a RepRap If anyone has any suggestions/ideas for designs let me know!


(1,206 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

hey I'm working with a reprap 3d printer and I will soon have the opportunity to print models in plastic. I was thinking of making some custom gameboy shells. I was wondering if anyone has tried anything like this? Pros? Cons? Any suggestions to how the gameboy shell could be designed better for performance?

soo i had my backlight installed for a while and it was working fine. I opened it up and accidentally pulled the resistor from its spot. I soldered it back on and now the light is working but unbearably bright. I can hear the sounds and everything but no matter how i adjust the contrast i can barely see anything. I have opened it up and closed it numerous times trying to resolder all the points but to no avail. Could it be the position of the polarizing lens? whats up? anyone else have this problem?


(3 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I'm definitely willing to do this for you, willing to work quickly and I have all of the resources available to execute the mods you're looking for. PM me or send me an email at [email protected]