(32 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

Thanks for your answer
- When the rom loads, is the song started, or stopped? do I have to press start on the first controller ? (it would be great to have the status displayed on screen)
- The doc says 'Key presses on controller 2 act as the clock input, and will run the next step of the NSF'. So what key is it?


(32 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

I just tried famislayer in nestopia emulator. I get no sound at all...
I know I am supposed to drive the clock with controller 2 button presses, but I tried with autofire on nestopia, and... no sound....
I have tested the same nsf successfully with vegaplay...
Do you have any hint?


(69 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

jefftheworld wrote:

I've actually got a Beaglebone Black for both LGPT and visuals

what software are you using for visuals?

masl wrote:

I will rewrite the PC Controller Tool (Java) and will Modify the Code for the Arduino, so it will:
- support opening/saving the vopm files directly in the PC Tool
- send Midi-CC Data instead of Sysex
- allow to Load and Save Patches to Arduino
- allow to change the "Patches" on the Fly in your DAW (16 or 8 Patches saved on the Arduinos EEPROM. Change happens through Midi-CC)
- (Multivoice Support)

thanks! and thank you @garvalf!
I really need to get an arduino now! :-)

garvalf wrote:

I got this shield. You get all the necessary code with it (you need it anyway to upload to your arduino board, which is not provided).
I also made a (linux) shell script which can convert from the instruments format for the VOPM vst to this board (you can find packs of instruments ripped from hundreds of games)

Hello garvalf, could you please share the converter script?
it's great!

Ledfyr wrote:

I wanted to mention that this version of ems-flasher also adds multi-rom support (although it does not work with LSDJ). So you may be interested to compile it as well: https://github.com/Drenn1/ems-flasher

I have updated the compiled version. This is now the multirom version, not the old legacy flasher...
Still the same url:


(41 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

DSC wrote:

We worked together on a MCTRL version of PR8, the best ever IMHO.

Is this version is publicly available? Or is there any way to follow a midi clock, or to simulate a clok with button presses?

Great thanks!
It's great to see what can be achieved!
Will try it asap

BennVenn wrote:

The project got stalled when I lost most of my data with a hdd crash.

Oh I didn't know that!
you lost your dev env and the sources?

BennVenn wrote:

I'll set the dev environment back up and crack on with it if someone wants to point me in the right direction to develop this further?
A solid design strategy is more helpful than 'make it like LSDJ' etc...

Yes, sure...
I got ideas but maybe you could compile feature requests?

What I would like to see in GB303:
- correct MIDI handling, without skipped notes (I think you already solved some bugs in this area)
- MIDI-triggered drums - because I think that drum sounds are way more impressive than the bass sound
- MIDI-triggered samples

What do you think?

I tried to code the second item myself, but it didn't really work, because of the incoming MIDI bug....


BennVenn, have you made any progress, or have you lost interest in this project?


(21 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Ledfyr wrote:

@cyberic: Ok, then an idea is to translate the note to song position in midicloro. A CC message can be put at the start of each row which will make midicloro send a new song position message incremented by 1. On the first row of each block, another CC is used to reset the position back to the note value again to handle looping.
This means you have to start the sequencer at the first row of your blocks.
Would this work for your use case?

Yes ledfyr, it would work.
But it would be great to be able to loop even inside the same block.
And I don't know how it could handle tempo changes.... maybe by storing the song position for each row

GB link <--> GPIO communication would be great! what kind of latency do you expect?


(21 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Ledfyr wrote:

@cyberic: I think what you want is possible. From what I've read on the Arduinoboy GitHub page it seems like the LSDJ Master sync mode sends the song row position as a MIDI note message.
This note can probably be changed to a Song Position Pointer message. It feels like the best solution is to modify the Arduinoboy code to achieve this.

Yes, but the row is only sent once, at start, not at every row.

catskull wrote:

I'm hesitant to do it in python because deploying that can be tricky.

Python can also run in a browser ;-)

But I don't know if this is good from a performance point of view...

Imagine that you wanted to use different 'virtual arduinoboys' in a live gig, powered by a raspberry pi for instance...
I'm not sure a browser would be the best platform...


(21 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

This is great!
I see lots of interesting uses.

I tried to find a way to send the gameboy song position in 'realtime' or at least at each line
I would like to be able to loop manually on blocks, in LSDJ, in live mode, and I would like the current Song Position Pointer to be sent in relatime to external devices.

Do you think it is possible?

BGB has a documented protocol for the link port:

There is even some code from Johan Kotlinski himself, to start with:

It could be a great project


(21 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)
