I got an error message in Wine
1,745 Aug 8, 2012 2:13 pm
Re: Cyclist - a simple single-cycle waveform player/browser (30 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)
1,746 Aug 8, 2012 5:53 am
Re: Help on the name of the background music of this audio (14 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
I'm going to go out on a limb and say he's using babblefish or google translate?
1,747 Aug 7, 2012 9:23 pm
Re: HOLY KONNI - lgpt_princess (Chiptune/Rave/Dance) free bandcamp+spotify (21 replies, posted in Releases)
This is berst thing ever.
1,748 Aug 7, 2012 7:34 pm
Re: Music Recommendations/Bands like The Depreciation guild (32 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Man... that Depreciation Guild stuff takes me back to the late 90's-early-00's goodness. Takes me back. Minus the chip, I've gotten my fill of this kind of music. I like how the chiptune is just an element of their music, not the defining factor.
1,749 Aug 7, 2012 7:06 pm
Re: Breaking the rules of tonality, how do you do it "right"? (60 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Saskrotch wrote:lol
yeah i wanna know how you came to this conclusion, given that there's already an A in BACH
I just skimmed through that section of my music appreciation book... >_>
I didn't even know that that was an actual musical note in the German system. I thought Bach was just like... "Hmmm.... H comes after G, and, in music, A comes after G, so H = A." It makes sense to use a musical Motif of B, A, C, A. Doesn't seem all that illogical to me, though it did cross my mind that it was a bit redundant for a guy like Johann.
well yeah, but it's the kind of mistake you make for 2 seconds and then think "OH WAIT why would they replace the FIRST LETTER with a different one that's kinda silly i sure am a goose"
i don't think any less of you, though :>
I wish I could come back with "Well, two seconds after I typed that and hit "'Submit Reply' I realized the mistake but then I had to leave so I couldn't fix it and I forgot."
But I can't.
You guys all knew that H wasn't a wrap-around A in German music? Man. I need to get out of this small American box I've been living in...
just, fucking, pick the notes that you hear in your head
Yeah, that works too. This where the "honesty and expressing what's inside of you" thing I mentioned comes into play.
1,750 Aug 7, 2012 9:19 am
Re: Breaking the rules of tonality, how do you do it "right"? (60 replies, posted in General Discussion)
SketchMan3 wrote:And Bach is awesome. He made a composition based on the letters of his name, (H is A, if I'm not mistaken). That's awesome.
german "H" is what we call B natural and german "B" is what we call B flat :-)
Thanks for teh correction.
1,751 Aug 7, 2012 3:25 am
Re: Breaking the rules of tonality, how do you do it "right"? (60 replies, posted in General Discussion)
SketchMan3 wrote:Really not as complex as it sounds. Half this stuff we're saying, I know, sounds like pretentious fluff, lol. Like, bluesy music does that kind of stuff all the time.
Well, I'm just barely keeping up, but I'm missing all of the chord names you're throwing out. It is pretty hard if you never learned the terminology. I learned about half of what you guys are talking about in the 10 years (fuck 10 years?) I've been playing sax/band, but the rest is just flying over my head. But hey, the more you know, right?
Yeah. When speaking of music in a theoretical way, I prefer numbers over actual chord names and stuff, especially without an instrument to get the hands-on feel for it.
That stuff is easier to under if you have a guitar or piano to actually play out the chords.
1,752 Aug 7, 2012 3:23 am
Re: Music Recommendations/Bands like The Depreciation guild (32 replies, posted in General Discussion)
ChipsChallenge has guitars. and chips.
1,753 Aug 7, 2012 3:19 am
Re: Pixel Film:'_| - Directed by garth+ginny (5 replies, posted in Motion Graphics)
That was cool, though I don't understand the story. Why would an aardvark get angry at a catcus? And why is his tail so long and bushy?
Oh, wait. I get it.
› Show Spoiler
Now that I understand it, I like it much more. Good stuff
Edit: man, that pixelated stretch and squish animations brilliant.
1,754 Aug 7, 2012 3:12 am
Re: Breaking the rules of tonality, how do you do it "right"? (60 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Really not as complex as it sounds. Half this stuff we're saying, I know, sounds like pretentious fluff, lol. Like, bluesy music does that kind of stuff all the time.
Take a look at a couple of popular songs. "All Shook Up" by Elvis Presley, at the second bar, over a Bb chord the melody goes for a brief moment to C# (in the downbeat of the second beat), because of its position it blends perfectly with the rest of the melody.
You're talking about the "Lo-OVE" part, where it slides from a C to a C# , right? That actually depends on the version of the song. Sometimes he doesn't do it. That note is the Dominant 7th of E, so it's logical because E is in the key of Bb. In fact, the very next chord progression is E7, F7, Bb.
And, if you're wondering, no I did not know that off-hand. Yes, I did pull out my ukulele and figure it out.
1,755 Aug 7, 2012 12:11 am
Re: TiMidity++.... Halp me...? (3 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)
I'm really trying to avoid JACK. I used to have qsynth on my old computer. I didn't need JACK for it, though. Actually, the last time I tried to use jack it actually worked, come to think of it... but JACK is my last resort.
Oh, I forgot to mention, I also want to use a system-wide softsynth so that even Totem and Rhythmbox and everything else will play using the soundfont instead of that silly freepats thing.
And I really really really want to be able to convert the midi files to wav, because some of my online friends want the OSTs to the two games I composed for (Vista Quest and Vista Quest 2) on their ipods, and I want it to sound good. This is the mainest thing.
1,756 Aug 7, 2012 12:06 am
Re: Breaking the rules of tonality, how do you do it "right"? (60 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Solarbear wrote:A nifty way to reach truly atonal sounds in LSDJ is with the PU FINE detune! I like to call the areas between sharp and natural 'narps'
This is actually called a "quarter-tone," and playing music with tones between those defined in equal temperment is called "Microtonality" or "Microtonal Music." Composers like Krzysztof Penderecki are particularly well known for this.
And John Cage
1,757 Aug 6, 2012 11:50 pm
Topic: TiMidity++.... Halp me...? (3 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)
I know this isn't directly chip related, but TiMidity++ does play modules. But this is a question regarding Soundfonts and drumkit banks.
Long story short, I want Timidity to load other drumkits other than "1 Standard" for the soundfont "General User GS". For some reason, no matter what kit the midi file uses, Timidity will only play the Standard Kit.
Also, looking at all the screenshots like the one here: http://www.geocities.jp/midi_organ_net/timidity/
It appears that my version of Timidity is somehow missing the interface to the right. All I have is the basic "Play, Stop, Next, Back, etc.." window, but no "tracer" whatever that is. It's been like that for every system I've installed it on so far (3).
It's all very confusing and poorly documented. Can somebody help me please? Operating system is Ubuntu 10.04.
Can somebody please point in the right direction? Hopefully there's somebody here who can help me... I'm desperate. I've been searching for a couple of years, but finally decided to just ask.
1,758 Aug 6, 2012 10:31 pm
Re: Breaking the rules of tonality, how do you do it "right"? (60 replies, posted in General Discussion)
edit: also, wtf is the "that Avril Lavigne chord progression?"
In major keys: The I V vi IV
And the vi IV I V
I know that she didn't invent those, but those are pretty much all she uses, and she was the one who caused me to discover the prominence of those two progressions, so that's what I call it.
1,759 Aug 6, 2012 8:33 pm
Re: Petit Computer (18 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
Can we call it "Peticom" for short?
1,760 Aug 6, 2012 7:57 pm
Re: my userscripts for chipmusic.org (72 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Ant1 is a hypocrite.
http://ant1.bandcamp.com/album/hedgehog e-and-cool
and all of a sudden he hates hedgehogs.
What a foul, feathered, fiend,
A malicious, mandated, mallard,
A ludicrously, lazy, loon.
This duck is nothing more than a fraud.
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Familiarity breeds contempt.