If you want your stuff to line up, copy whatever is in 20, 40 and 60 to make them the same length as chain 00, so you just have one really long 01 20 40 60 on the first row of the song screen instead of a ton of 20 40 60s and one really long 01.
The H command isn't meant to be used this way, lol. Using it like this wouldn't make it Hop all the way down from Row 02 to Row 09 on the Song screen simply because you copied the phrase 7E -- which contains H00 in the first row -- over and over. In theory you're just making it jump from one 7E phrase to the next once per tick and it's just going so fast that it appears to be skipping two rows.
Why would you even want to do this when you could just use live mode to trigger the chains you want to use?
I get what you're asking, but it seems extremely counter intuitive considering LSDj's layout.
Sometimes you just want to have things automated to work well and watch the numbers and letters roll by, hehe "why would you even want to make a thing automatically do what you want it to do instead of having to fiddle with a bunch of buttons to do it manually?" well for one, it's nice to not have to fiddle with live mode buttons while playing an instrument along with the sounds of the gameboy.