Hey - forgive me if this is a really dumb question. But I'm interested in getting individual channels off LSDJ for remix purposes. I've done this on a PC Atari trackers via a utility that just exports channels and make it possible to mute 7 other channels. Is there an analogous possibility for LSDJ?

Hey little scale, these look absolutely sick. I'm so bummed I missed the preorder (life happened and I was an ostrich with head in the sand). But I do want to put in a huge, huge interest bump for if/when you decide to do round 2!

So I jokingly offered apt - but that's actually a real offer, I'm pretty near Wash Sq. but I would need to figure out PA. Mixer I could hook up.

I know the staff at Next Level Arcade down in Brooklyn, and they have a PA. I could talk to them to see if they'd be down? They also have some music games, SSF4 and some candy cabs, so maybe we could coordinate some mini-event.
The only thing is that I'm out of town until right before the show, but I could look into it remotely.


(126 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I'm going!