(6 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Whoa, epic!


(6 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I searched the entire forum section for this topic and couldn't find it, so I figured I'd post it myself. This is the "chipophone" ---> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1pchpDD5EU

WOW. This thing is really amazing. The uploader of the video / designer of the chipophone put a link in the video description to a webpage that shows how he made it. It seems easy enough to make if you have all the parts you need. I would do anything to have one of my own!

PS- I'm assuming that at least some members of this site already know about this, so don't bash me if you've seen this before! big_smile


(51 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Currently I own 3 Game Boy Pockets and only one DMG, and I gotta say that the Game Boy Pockets are (in my opinion) waaay sexier. But their sound (through the built-in speaker) is a lot quieter than the DMG's speaker. Why is that? Lower voltage? Smaller speaker? I never knew why.

With my next album, I plan on having more of a "rock and roll" kind of style in my chiptunes. I think this style will be more organized than my first album. I will have real instruments (keyboard, bass, drumset, etc.) recorded over these chiptunes and it will sound pretty kewl. So these songs, for the most part, will be chip music, but not 100%. Can't wait to finish it. It'll be a while, though. tongue

Russellian wrote:
stancoolness wrote:

PS- I think we probably all agree that I can use a Paint program a little bit... um... better than that. XD No offense to ant1 or anything.

Well yeah, that's the point of his whole act/appeal/whathaveyou. I (and many others) really like his stuff because it's playful reckless yet creatively well thought out. That's why I thought you two were comparable, since you seem to have a similarly playful style. But that's just me. Keep doing what you do. wink

Lol, thanks man big_smile

jesy gus n his cru r waitin outside rite nao

get ur respr8r we need 2 kuk

chunter wrote:

Almost, you can hear a sense of exploration in ant1's music that is only scarcely in this. I won't be able to tell if this is trying to be like ant1 until after a few more releases.

If you don't understand what I mean, first consider that ant1 uses a lot of trackers.

I wouldn't ever try to be someone else, this is totally my own style. I don't even know who ant1 is

Chainsaw Police wrote:

Eeh, it was alright. Nothing special, just... Alright.


boaconstructor wrote:

"27 of my best" jesus christ

Yeah, I kinda' have a lot of FamiTracker chiptunes. That's because it's really easy to make really short songs in FamiTracker, whereas on LSDJ, it's really easy to make average-length songs (like 4-6 minutes). So this entire album is FamiTracker (with the exception of a couple of experimental LSDJ tracks), meaning it's a very short album in duration. My next album will feature 100% Game Boy music (no FamiTracker), and will also have some real instruments recorded over the Game Boy chiptunes. I think it is already sounding much better than "What The Frig Happened To Me?". Haha, thanks for the comment!

Aeros wrote:

itc, it'd be great if you used url tags

Yep, way ahead of ya'. smile

basspuddle wrote:

That album art is freaky in just the right way. ;D

But seriously, dig the album. I like 'Chipsplosion'.

Thanks man big_smile

Added the URL code. Now you can click the link! Yay!

Auxcide wrote: Well it really scares me.

Lol, me too

Also, be sure to eventually check out my new YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/stanmakesmusic. Edited because the YouTube URL has changed



Mmmm, good stuff,,,]]=][



(58 replies, posted in Constructive Criticism)

Chainsaw Police wrote:

stop making forum posts, go make music

Lol, brilliant!

I'm gonna do that. big_smile


(58 replies, posted in Constructive Criticism)

I just discovered the other day that I am way better with LSDJ than I am with FamiTracker...

I wish I discovered this a long time ago... XD