yeah I had PM'd you it liked you asked, and I was in the group-email that went around for a while in november

I had my entry for this finished in October... I guess I got left out


(10 replies, posted in Trading Post)

chiptune relic smile

welcome to cm.o


(8 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

meanwun wrote:

I didn't know a pink one was made, awesome

Yeah, this is it. I think you can get them in any color tongue

gotta find some use for the 100$ textbooks in college we never actually use


(3 replies, posted in Constructive Criticism)

Lovely bloops!
If I were to offer any CC, I would say maybe bring down the lead volume one or two numbers, at parts, it kind of overpowered the accompanied arps. (I always like to emphasize my arps.. wink ) But you've got a great third lsdj track there. Keep at it!


(8 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Apeshit stocked them at one point, but it appears they're sold out at the moment.
I had to get mine off ebay... I thought I was ordering a normal black one and they shipped me bright pink .-.

man i love ilkkes style.


(1 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Howdy y'all, I'm planning to visit some amigos up in Seattle during my Spring break, it would be rad to play a chip show or even just attend one. I don't know what the Seattle scene is like but if anyone's out there...
I estimate I would be there the 24th through the 30th of March


(3 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

if only


(16 replies, posted in Trading Post)

meanwun wrote:
kineticturtle wrote:


I claim it. Mine.

also: sxe_weekend is good and the fact that he'd doing this at all PROVES it.

Not a song title, but a compilation album?

lol is this happening? because I'd be okay with this happening.


The Silph Scope wrote:

you seem like one of the bro-est dudes here.
10/10 would have beer with


(66 replies, posted in General Discussion)


(16 replies, posted in Trading Post)

At first I read this as "Refunding anyone I love"



(119 replies, posted in General Discussion)


(76 replies, posted in General Discussion)

90,135,170,190,215 tongue


(67 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i wish i could live in the UK sad