(23 replies, posted in General Discussion)

This is really sad man !!! I lost my father from a cancer too last year...Stay strong my friend !!!


or make something in PetitComputer !


(20 replies, posted in Trading Post)

zii.hrs wrote:

How are you expecting to get 185$ for LSDj and Nanoloop?


They sell for half the price new

Yep pretty sure some ppl will not mind to totally buy 1.3 or 1.5 Nanoloop carts for that price !

Push play on iPood !

wedanced wrote:
bryface wrote:

MAN O MAN. I forgot about this amazing gem in chip history. Lol they shamed her pretty hardcore.

Like every chipthieves in this world ! wink

SuperBustySamuraiMonkey wrote:

¿No cart on that girl gif?

I have a Microkorg too and it does nothing with LSDJ unless you get a midiarduino thingie. I just play it like a regular keyboard

you can plug the dmg in the input and tweak the sound of it with the filter etc...but yeah midi and arduinoboy could be a big plus !


(19 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

Totally doing something on it right now !!!


(32 replies, posted in Atari)

Maybe the 720kb floppy you have is defect and did you cover the hole of your 2HD with some scotchtape ?

Ohhh I read 500 not 2500 !!! Just buy any version of JJOS and it will surely works after this...like I said in my last comment original OS sucks with midi :s

hmmm if the LSDJMC2 is like the nanoloop midi cable I'm afraid it will not work on the MPC500...
mpc original OSes have a lot of problems with MIDI sync and stuffs...the only way I got my cable to work was to buy JJOS on my MPC1000 and there is no custom OS on the 500 so I'm afraid you will be stuck with this problem ! sad

n00bstar wrote:

The interface is crap, the rating system is ass, there's no quality control, every time I click on something I'm disappointed by what sounds like an unfinished work in progress someone gave up on.

This !!! Especially the rating system !!!
Soundcloud pretty much replaced 8BC and all that shiet ! smile

Alex Mauer - System of a Master
Coova & Bud Melvin - She's the DJ I'm the rapper
Goto80 & the Uwe Schenk band - The Ferret Show
Jellica - With love from grandma
Paza - The Slaphappy Bee III EP
Radlib - 2 Le Chip 2 Quit

n00bstar wrote:

darude - sandstorm

THIS !!! ^


(5 replies, posted in Atari)

Which emulator are you using ? For me Undo is Page down (and not end) and Help is page up in STeem !
-You can switch between sounds and digis by pressing backspace on the ST (which I didnt find which key it was on a modern keyboard)
-You can also use 1-2-3 on the numpad to mute channel 1-2-3 (of course) instead of clicking the volume bars.
-I dont know what the keys are for too (lol will try to ask gwemmy, stu or cerror on this one)
-When using Buzz the Depth act as a pitch in the AMD section (to the right of Amplitude Waveform)
-You can viceversa the LEN by clicking S instead of N
-The first button in the pitch bend (s) is the Portamento
-If you click the little button between the arrow and the S/N buttons you can edit the Noise in the waveform if you hold Control when you are doing your amplitude or Hold Shift for the sound
-The arrow button drops 1 octave in the sound
-The number over the LEN box is the pitch for the Noise (perfect for kick drums)
-H is B
If I find other tips (or if I see an answer for the "keys") I will drop it in this thread !!! wink
Really happy to see some Musicmon enthusiasts here !!! big_smile