(1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I think I never posted a pic of my live setup so here is the setup I use the most !

btw, this STe is now replaced with a Falcon030 !!! big_smile


(26 replies, posted in General Discussion)

gwEm wrote:

B2000 haven't been active for a bit though sad

Yeah true...haven't heard from this band  for a while ! sad

gwEm wrote:

edit: although drx's side project "education of the n00bs" is active!

Hell yeah ! DRX is great, peer2peer on Seven was terrific ! big_smile


(46 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

YES !!! Thank you Neil !!! big_smile


(35 replies, posted in General Discussion)

TOTALLY !!! CDs will never die for me !!!


(26 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Vellain wrote:

Covox is german, isn't he?... I really like some of his work, but he isn't active on any forums I know of.

Covox is from Sweden !!!

btw no one said Bodenständig 2000 ?! yikes

Pretty sure I saw that kind of thread somewhere in this forum but here's my nonchip list :
Rage Against the Machines
Children of Bodom (Hate crew Deathroll and before)
Suicidal Tendencies
Sick of it All
Odd Nosdam
Curse ov Dialect
Optimus Rhyme
Boards of Canada
The Prodigy
Daft Punk
Tears for Fears

It's funny how the openhandhelds link go straight...to this page ! XD

Video ? ...Chipmusic ?!
I think the best video I can think of is from goto80 and the C-men !

Are You Esse ?

n00bstar wrote:

Haha yeah I know it's "stable" but it's kind of all discordant and doesn't really give you notes you can play with, that's what I meant. It has some very nice textures to it, but it's never like.. a full octave of it. C will bleep, D will growl, E will murder a bunny and dance it its blood, F will be silent.. that's what I meant smile

I still have no idea what it does really. I mean, how the sounds are actually generated and why they sound the way they do so that's why I left this section nebulous a bit. But if I ever am wrong about something I say, or lack information you deem crucial, do tell me! I'll make changes. I figure I'll already have to make changes anyways as bugs are fixed or new options implemented so I fully expect to have to rewrite some of that later on smile

But don't diss your docs. They are very useful. Whereas my blog is more of an 'explanation' of what things do, your wiki acts as a great reference manual for when you already know something, but forgot how to actually use it. I still refer to it constantly even a year later big_smile

If it's taken from the real Pokey chip, check out documentations about this Atari 8Bit computer's soundchip. Big chances that it will help you on this quest !!! wink

"It also supports reading and writing music to SNES9X and ZSNES emulator savestates"
This is a really good idea !!! Nice work !!! big_smile


(15 replies, posted in Releases)

This song is awesome !!! Didn't know it was made on 32 tracks !!! yikes

the yobo I tested was horrible !!! The second squarewavw was totally bullcrap ! The color palette was kinda screwed with some stuffs and my Powerpak didn' worked on it !!!

Mad Max ? lol


(8 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

n00bstar wrote:

I used to work at a music store and during the dead hours (that is... the entire day... who the hell buys a 5000$ piano at 10 in the morning?) I'd plug a few synths into a mixer, hook that up to the KP3 and jam the entire day away.

MOOG Audio ?


(21 replies, posted in Atari)

Wow really nice comment Matej !!! big_smile
but in the section "For others who doesnt own ATARI STs" you should have added some emulators !!!
Ill do it !!!
If you want good STe emulators on your computer, check out these :
STeem Steven Seagal Edition