Thretris wrote:

WOW THAT WAS FAST!!!!! gamecube sold and Backlit DMG SOLD!!!

Might wanna update the front-page on your blog-shop to note certain items' sale, so interested parties don't get their hopes up upon first glance.


(31 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

edit:  I was wrong about the Fuji Enviromax line, they're absolutely no different from regular batteries.

  [the honest truth]

Fuji 1, me 0.

Beverage wrote:

Richmond, VA?!  Hell yes!  I'm like 45 minutes out from your destination - will totally come see you guys!

I plan on being there.  I'm going to Charlotte the next night anyway -- might have to hit that one, too!


(39 replies, posted in General Discussion)

This is mine:

There's already a lot of good discussion by others so far.  I'll post my thoughts/suggestions once I take in everything here.


(74 replies, posted in General Discussion)

OxygenStar wrote: about some performers that play an instrument live, that tear it up???

Holy Fuck( <-- actually a band-name)  They are absolutely ridiculous live.  Four members: drums, bass, and two on various toys/loops/pedals.  Probably one of my favorite touring acts currently.