(28 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

i did it

ui wrote:

beta release of the archive

If you are reading this and already have the file...


- There is any duplicated file somewhere
- Wrong file name or a file is in a wrong folder


- Add TAGs to the songs and send it to me

and please if... YOU ARE A COMPOSER AND...

- Don't want your music/folder, let me know
- You have more songs you want to add, send to me
- Your songs have wrong tag or file name, let me know

- - - - - -

- Some folders would be empty because they have source/dmc/instrements or any other file that is not NSF but is related.
- Some tracks may not have TAGs
- There is a lot of things to do!...



(28 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

You can now check ONLINE the archive thx to dropbox :DDDD

COMPOS - http://tiny.cc/compos
MUSICIANS - http://tiny.cc/_musicians

* Some folders include a subfolder called SOURCES

If you find anything wrong or youre in this archive and you dont want it... let me know
uimail[a]gmail dot com

I will give you my advice... don't use/re-use memes, create your own, if you don't have the skills... well tell somebody who have them to do it for you, specially if youre going to print shirts, but well is just my advice.


Btw, if you ask there are probably ppl that can make you a logo/symbol so you can use them as yours. If you pay for it, i can make you one

Suena jugoso, ademas de que tengo un par de gif por ahi! big_smile. Creo que me anoto!!!

Thx to ilkke for give me few links.

Added INTERVIEWS, GUIDES, few apps for smarthphones, few other things and a little organization.


(1,052 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

Leco by iloveui, on Flickr

PICO ROBOTS by iloveui, on Flickr


i will do it if you pay for my pixels big_smile (of course if you like my style)
http://www.flickr.com/photos/iloveui/se … 620373822/


(1,052 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

i forget to link this




(1,052 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

8Bits (Animated serie) by iloveui, on Flickr


(1,052 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

animalstyle, i haven try that one!!!... looks tiny! XDDD
Keff sux! W O_o ,,|,

OSSO by iloveui, on Flickr

Jay Tholen wrote:

Wayofthepixel dot net is better if you're serious. Look up some of Helm's posts.

Im agree with Ilkke, you cant compare them, they are thinked to be different, btw... And i didnt mention pixelation/wayofthepixel to evade drama and purist in boths websites (we never know when they are around here!!!!) XDDD and there is also more websites, but those are the populars...

Btw, as ilkke say, best thing about PJ, is that you can get in the rail participing on weekly challenge. You can rate pixelart which made the community better. Have plenty links and a "hall of fame" which is really accurate to pixel art in general terms, in my opinion.

The bad thing about that and few other communities (including CM), are the trolls/purist, in less words "they" scared Paul Robertson from PixelJoint, but still is a good community.

oh, i get it know!... youre talking about our opinion/feeling about that community?

is a good place to look for pixel art and is more a "showcase" place. You will find good shit there and bad shit, good ppl and bad ppl, etc etc... as many other communities.

If is bad for the bears then is no need to discuss!


wtf/who is chipchooning

GOOGLE - https://www.google.co.ve/search?ix=ieb& … 8AHWmMGRCA