wtf??? wonder HOW THE FUCK... STROBE, missed this!...


(33 replies, posted in General Discussion)

@akira^8GB, y vos metete un caño bien por el orto hdp!!!...
@Menschendrahtzaun, awesome :DDD... thx for you cat!... and for helping me with this little project im running...
@Battle Lava, jajaja... that monkey!!! XDDDD, thx to you too man :DDD...

I am grateful and pleased. thx again

sorry guys, but actually i cant... sad(((( im hella busy sad((


(1,052 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

what's this place!.... where i'm!????....

moar shit here...


(33 replies, posted in General Discussion)

@sxe_weekend, really thx :DDD
@NO CARRIER, hahahahhahahahaha!!!, the fact is... the face of the little dog its like my face about to shit my pants...
@bucky, gracias amigo
@Chema64, waahh! yikes.... if you want and have the time for a little art, sureeeeee, i will be plessed and thxfull. (that Kim Jon li, is hilarious! JAJAJA... here is my version..HERE). Y como hablas español (supongo), si quieres hacer algo, adelante big_smile, no tiene que ser complejo ni nada que tome mucho tiempo, algo con lo que te sientas comodo y q no te tome tiempo.

thx to all....
all n00bz


(33 replies, posted in General Discussion)

sxe_weekend wrote: … 6476513114

i have a ton of work you could pull stuff from!! big_smile

awesome art! :DDD... mmmm can you do something special!? i mean, one, specially for my cover art??? if is not to much to ask... i would like to have some of your stuff ^^... it could be simple or complicated, depend of you and how much time you have. It could be the font, or whatever. up to you....
greetings and thx for you consideration smile


(33 replies, posted in General Discussion)

arottenbit, yah i mean the size of the piece. If they are pixelart i will not resize.

enso, dont have to be complicated... in fact a 5 min handraw works perfect. Dont really matter if your pro, noob or whatever. The main idea is mix all these draws.


(33 replies, posted in General Discussion)

keff! woaaaahh i wll be ubber glad to have some of your art in any of my cover art  of my ep :DDD

Battle lava, nop, dont matter, can be 8x8 pixels to 20000x200000, is up to you tongue if i got many draws i will create a poster with the art! tongue.... but mainly is for my ep coverart. Thx in advanced


(33 replies, posted in General Discussion)

With 5 collabs and it's a classical NSF (that mean, no DPCM). I plan to release the .FTM whenever this get done.


#1 - (Intro)
#2 - MENU
#3 - 1-1 - Coco Aventura (Coco Adventure)
#4 - 1-2 - Isla Coco (Coco Island)
#5 - 1-3 - Cueva Cangrejo (CrabCave)
#6 - # Ron Tenazas (JEFE/BOSS) (RON Tongs )
#7 - 2-1 - Pantano Brontokoko (Brontokoko's Swamp)
#8 - 2-2 - Hablando Froogoz (Speaking Froogoz)
#9 - 2-3 - Isla Froogoz (Froogoz Island)
#10 - # Morzquito (JEFE/BOSS)
#11 - 3-1 - Palmeras al Cielo (Palm trees in the Clouds)
#12 - 3-2 - Cielo Caleidoscopio (Kaleidoscope sky) (+ B00daw)
#13 - 3-3 - Cueva Supersecreta (SuperSecret Cave) (+ Kulor)
#14 - # Pesadilla (Nightmare) (Primer Encuentro) (Meet)
#15 - 4-1 - ¿Dónde estoy? (Where am i?)
#16 - 4-2 - Caminando en Círculos (Round walk)
#17 - 4-3 - JJ-Jumbo Jet
#18 - # Kimgbatoon (JEFE/BOSS)
#19 - 5-1 - Tío Mono (Uncle Monkey)
#20 - 5-2 - Pueblo Dumpau (Dumpau's Town)
#21 - 5-3 - Surf Cuadrado (Square Surf)
#23 - 6-1 - Tartugga (+ Baron Knoxburry)
#24 - 6-2 - ¿Dónde estará la jungla? (Where is the Jungle?)
#25 - 6-3 - Suspenso Critico (Critic Suspense) (+Lunar)
#26 - # Langosta Grandes Musculos (Lobster BigMuscles) (JEFE/BOSS)
#27 - Continuar... (To be continue...)
#28 - 7-1 - Cola del Jazz (Jazzy Tail)
#29 - 7-2 - Escalando al Templo (Climbing the Temple)
#30 - 7-3 - Templo Tribal (Tribal Temple)
#31 - # Tesoro Maldito (Cursed treasure) (JEFE/BOSS)
#32 - 8-1 - Rokopapa
#33 - 8-2 - Huijillio Junf
#34 - 8-3 - Una Ilusion en el Cristal (An Illusion)
#35 - # Cristal Espectral (Spectral Crystal) (JEFE/BOSS)
#36 - 9-1 - CREDITOS... (Credits) (+ miau)
#37 - 9-2 - Lanzando los CREDITOS (Throwing the credits) (JEFE/BOSS)
#38 - 9-3 - Hazme reir (JEFE/BOSS)
#39 - # No podras (JEFE FINAL/FINAL BOSS)
#40 - EL FINAL (The End)
#41 - #extra# - Ladron de Galletas (Cookie Thief)
#42 - #extra# - PUYALO! (MONOBONO)
#45 - #extra# - BONNUS (maybe will be deleted)
#47 - Los nuevos planes de Pesadilla... (Nightmare's new plans...)
#48 - Escondite en la Pesadilla (Hide in the Nightmare)
#49 - Dulces Sueños (Sweet Dreams)
#50 - Un helado de Coco para una Ardilla borracha (A Coco icecream for a drunk Squirrel)
#51 - Owl-gang-jazz (PUZZLE BONUS)
- - -

-.Arlen (cat)
-.Battle Lava (monkey)
-.Menschendrahtzaun (cat)
-.Crab (cat, monkey, pirate and few others stuff)
-.EmThree (pirate)
-.chipchampion (monkey and cat) (cat and other stuff) (lot of stuff)
