As the post says, I have DMGs, you should have a C64 that is untouched smile
Got one? Message me smile


(15 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Well every DMG is old, isn't it wink 1989 I suppose...

mhhh, ich got many DMGs, no lack of color, because there isn't any ^^
no lack of contrast, no lines, no waves...and significant changes in audio quality...thats an audiophile listener thing i guess.
If I would hear a buzz or swoosh, I would know it.
I think the caps have a life-time of 10~15 years from factory, good 'ol caps from back in the days wink

What caps are obstructed in the DMG and which one do you prefer to change with? I think there are great differences, which one to use.


(10 replies, posted in Trading Post)

gameboycarts wrote:

3. Orange Back-lighthing (inverted) mode. This Back-lighting was bought and installed from (Nonelectronics).

Isn't it Nonfinite instead of Nonelectronics wink?

but there must be an effective method for this too, right?


(15 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

can you please explain me, what its about, changing them to newer ones?
Everyone says like "its a good idea", but that answer isn't enough for me, i want to know exactly.
whats the positive effect of it?


(31 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

bryface wrote:

nice going dragoon!  yeah, that's the kind of look that i was originally going for, that the inside components would be blurred through the case.

how exacting was the acetone + nailpolisher method?  did you have to worry much about how evenly you distributed it across the inside of the case? i can't tell from your picture but if i tried it would obsess over whether or not the translucent effect was splotchy smile

I just mixed aceton and nailpolisher 1:1 and let it drip on the inside of the case, because ghostish isn't even, its more like cloudy. If you want a more even look, you should do a bath in aceton+nailpolisher, but not too long.

You can look on some more pics on my flickr channel or even on my website, where i have a lot more modding stuff.
More DMGs will appear there soon smile


(44 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

12ianma wrote:

what? muh man Ralph did some pimp soldering on that. Y U NO stop posting to dead threads?

I ment, that its fucked up to do that work, not that the work is fucked up big_smile

Had my Play it loud! clear DMG back from my childhood, I spend my first pocket money in.
I etched it, now it plays acid music wink
Here is a pic … 5719_k.jpg

damn that sexy reptile style big_smile

i had the same thoughts big_smile

mhm that was for V1 or V2, because V3 Triple and Ultra come from the underside and the power led is untouched.
but nice tut !


(28 replies, posted in Tutorials, Mods & How-To's)

i think, more uF just means more buffer size and more filtering...i have tried out 1uF (standard) up to 20uF caps.
no really soundincreasing. maybe if you went under 1uF to the range 0.1~0.9uF.
i would rather play with the resistors right beneath the caps!
but grabbing the sound of right the cpu...mhhh i must check that out.

"If your screen has horizontal lines, you're probably out of luck."

Not really, i pushed as mush foam under the ribbon cable to the right as i could get, just under the screen, between upper layer and pcb side.
catch some heat-resistant material and push with a little bit of pressure the screen down and then just heat up the right side were the ribbon cable goes to the screen with a hair dryer 1cm away from the screen. gently rub up and down und this side. after a while the screen wents black, dont worry, it will be fine again after cooling down.
thats how it worked out for me big_smile

i would love to see all colors, not just the two...

why you need a tutorial on a SOT23, its all the same, just look at the pics. you dont need a tut on 6pin IC...


(44 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

that is a pretty fucked up wiring work i think O.o