(34 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Steal a FL Studio box from guitar center.


(22 replies, posted in General Discussion)

CC board?


(7 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Oh I thought you wanted a cart, not the ROM itsself. Man I seemed like an asshole.


(7 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Edit: accidental double post


(7 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I think I have one, how much are you offering? (Or trade)


(1 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Oh man. Wish I had the cash for this.

Seattle still refusing to stay dead.


(5 replies, posted in Constructive Criticism)

I'm going to edit this post after class with detailed cc, give me an hour.

EDIT: Alright, here we go.

First I'm going to say something a lot of people need to hear: pro sounds aren't required to write quality lsdj tracks. Quality lsdj tracks come from a combination of good post processing, good production, and good songwriting. I'm going to break each of these down separately.

Overall I don't have an issue with your songwriting. You seem to have way more knowledge of musical basics than I did starting out. One thing I did notice was the arpeggios and melodies sticking together. I tend to leave at least an octave of space between the seperate pieces of my song, except for special cases (two channel instruments and such.) Leaving space makes it easier to discern the main idea you're trying to send to the listener. Listen to the Fighter X remix of "Massive Damage" by Sabrepulse to get a better idea of what I mean, from 1:38 onward the melody is in the midranges, the bassline is rarely above octave 3, and the arpeggios stay around octave 6. This makes it easier to hear the melody, while keeping the song complicated. Your melody is good, But everything can always be improved. Your drums stood out to me the most, most beginner lsdj tracks have the same drumbeat throughout, but you put in good fills and changes. There's some production stuff you could use help wih, but I'll edit that in the next break I get. Expect to read more of this.

Edit2: Production.
Your instruments need work. All of your pulse instruments are plain old 25-50% waveforms. There's nothing wrong with simple intruments, basic pulse instruments are the foundation of good chords in 2xlsdj, but you're using one gameboy. That means each instrument has to carry its own weight. Use commands inside of tables, specifically W and V commands to give texture to lead instruments. VF2 makes even a 50% pulse wave sound raspy and angry. A W25% followed by a W50% in a table gives your lead an echoey pluck sound. These are good starting points, but always be experimenting with effects, they let you transcend what people think a gameboy 'should' sound like. The more complex your instruments are, the more interesting your song sounds in general. Zef is the master of this, go listen to his song "Glitch" for a good idea of what I'm trying to say. Set instruments are always changing throughout the song, giving the impression of effects automation; the effect that makes electronic music so different from traditional music.

Production part 2: that's right, this deserves two paragraphs.

Remember what I said about your drums? They could be even better. Try using a kick in the pulse or wave channels. Your kick as of now is just a low pitch noise instrument, and that doesn't reall provide the "Thud" most songs need to have a clear beat. Your noise kick blends with your bass and that's a problem. The other problem with your noise channel is the volume. The percussion overpowers the pulse channel because of its volume, and the pulse channels are overpowering the wave channel. My pulse and noise instrument a rarely go louder than 8. Some other lsdj users even consider that too loud. Listen to "Dreaming" by TreyFrey. Once the song drops, the pulse instruments never become louder than 6 (approximation, I haven't seen the save.) Because of this volume, his wave kick and bassline are front and center, giving this song the "holy fuck there's no way this is one gameboy" sound. This also allows the quiet high pitched pulse instrument to seem delicate in comparison to the wave. The pulse and noise channels will always overpower the wave if you're not careful, and the wave channel is the most sonically interesting channel in the gameboy. Edit 3 will come during my bus ride most likely, sorry I can't do this all at once.

http://www.rollingstone.com/culture/new … e-20140426

"A legendary trove of Atari's E.T. The Extraterrestrial video game has at long last been unearthed. The Associated Press reports that a documentary film production company dug the huge stash of game cartridges out of a landfill in Alamagordo, New Mexico on Saturday, confirming rumors that had circulated for decades regarding the fate of the notoriously terrible game."

I think lindsey lowend might be watching this thread. He reposted the ABSRDST remix right after decktonic's reply.

John Riselvato wrote:

This is all Vaporwave music.

Here's some artists to checkout:
- Yung Lean
- Macintosh Plus (I own this cassette)
- Bl00dWave
- Blank Banshee (I own this CD)

Is it though? Because I have listened to vaporwave and it doesn't really do anything for me. I guess I'm just looking for kinda poppy jazzy hip hop stuff, or really summer-y chiptrap. Maybe I'm just being too specific and what I'm hoping to hear doesn't exist.

Fatal Labyrinth wrote:

Maltine Records

Wow, this release: http://maltinerecords.cs8.biz/127.html


Can someone point me in the right direction?

https://soundcloud.com/g-o-l-d-t-e-a-r- … -l-e-s-s-1
https://soundcloud.com/lindsay-lowend/b … r-overture
https://soundcloud.com/wave-racer/cosmo … he-dofflin

Not entirely chiptune, but Bansheebeat and Abducted by Sharks.


ShintarouMusic wrote:

don't worry dire hit i think you're p cool

Thanks man you're pretty cool.

Ctrl + f "Dire Hit"

Awwww man I thought I was cool.