(11 replies, posted in Trading Post)

zneth wrote:
Apeshit wrote:

I've got a couple DMGs for sale that can be seen over at https://instagram.com/apeshitmods/

I also build PS/2 adapters, which would be a lot less expensive to ship.


I love that little rocker switch
(゜‿ ^)

Where did you get the switch? Seems like the perfect size for what I've been looking for.


(84 replies, posted in General Discussion)

tacticalbread wrote:

I'm surprised the scene is still around.

I'm surprised you're around given I haven't seen you and that great avatar post anything since 8bc.


(11 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Apeshit wrote:

I've got a couple DMGs for sale that can be seen over at https://instagram.com/apeshitmods/

I also build PS/2 adapters, which would be a lot less expensive to ship.

That DMG is hot. I need to take a shower.

Seattle chip just entered undeath, we have like three shows in the next 2 months.


(24 replies, posted in General Discussion)

It's adorable how accessible you think chipmusic is.

No, there isn't a traditional radio station anywhere as far as I know but there are quite a few internet ones that you can probably find through google.


(39 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Apeshit wrote:

I hate to be that guy, but if you teach a man to fish...

If you build a man a fire, he'll be warm for a night. If you light a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

I might really do some research before deciding on a chip maestro though, I don't own one my self but word on the internet is that you literally get a steaming box of shit that doesn't work.


(325 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

This is awesome.

SketchMan3 wrote:

I like how Dire Hit took four paragraphs to say what I said in one, with examples! big_smile

Yeh I've used vibrato and volume to do "noise snare" on da pulse chan... good times.

Have fun

This is actually one of my favorite things to talk about in lsdj. I'd probably write a roboctopus style tip column if I was as good as him.

Xuriik wrote:
2X4B wrote:

what are the common pitfalls?

Making it all about the nostalgia, not taking the artform seriously, sticking on labels (like retro), calling it a genre, making it all about video games...

Also, taking the artform too seriously.

Panda Chan wrote:
Dire Hit wrote:

It was really really inexpensive. At least, that's my reason.

This was my reason, but then I just bought more and more... *sigh*

It WAS really really inexpensive...


(8 replies, posted in Trading Post)

kitsch wrote:

she's a little dehydrated

Seriously, buy your friend a fucking water bottle. That stuff's probably the consistency of honey.

There are a few options here:

1. Do nothing: https://soundcloud.com/megaflare0/bibim … ght-teaser (1:30ish)
        This works fine when you have a full sounding song even without the pulse channels. It's pretty hard to know when this works and when it doesn't, so just go with your gut and when in doubt try to add something and then decide if it works. You're going to want to do this when your sound design is the main focus of what you're trying to do. Basically, if your wav channel sounds rad on its own don't think that you need to add something.

2. Percussion: https://soundcloud.com/monodeer/derp (1:08ish)
        Don't be fooled into thinking the pulse channel can only be melodic, when you use V commands with really high values or play around with the transpose function in tables you can get some interesting noisy drumish sounds. Monodeer uses what I assume is a VFF command to get a cymbal sound in a channel where those don't usually belong.

3. Back your wav channel: https://soundcloud.com/possibly-a-fake- … -last-post (0:44) (shameless self promotion)
        Your wav channel can only go so far on its own, sometimes it needs a little help from its friends. Both pulse channels are backing the wav channel in this song at some points, and although it still sounds like a wav bass it has extra meat thrown in from those extra oscillators. Doing this keeps you from "wasting" channels while keeping your song sounding full and yet simple. My usual pulse sub is a 50% pulse at about volume 4 or 5, "sidechaining" under the wav kick. The goal here is not to give your bassline a bassline, it's to get your pulse channels to melt into the wav channel and make it sound like one instrument.

4. Just do other stuff: https://soundcloud.com/boaconstructorbe … ow-on-tbbr (1:50)
        Your pulse channels can do things while your wav channel takes center stage, it just takes careful volume control and sound design. I don't really know how to do this all that well but I'm sure if you do enough listening around and trying things you can work something out.

It was really really inexpensive. At least, that's my reason.


(12 replies, posted in Trading Post)

double post, my b. Still, google.


(12 replies, posted in Trading Post)

barbeque wrote:
