thursdaycustoms wrote:

It won't change the data. Only the frequency. If I understand what you're asking correctly.

Yes, that was precisely what I was meaning ^^

Aaaahhh, if I had the time and the GB Boy Color arrived, I would swap the crystal and make the experiment myself : ((

As far as the change of crystal keeps the sound the same as the "unusual" stock one, and gives us every other thing in tune, I'm happy big_smile


(1,206 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Cool mod! Did you use a microcontroller? And the "input"? Pre-pot connection?

I don't know if I'm about to say something tremendously stupid:
I think it won't change the sample bit rate. it should just play it "faster" (higher pitched??). I mean, the sample will still have whichever bits/seg of definition it had when it was recorded/programmed , I don't think one can really change that by changing the speed at which the processor operates, can we?

Am I answering myself too? xD (Same wave "definition", sliiiiiightly different pitch).

Now, please someone come and tell me I was, indeed, wrong.

Yessssssssss. Now someone needs to try the clock swap in the GB Boy Colour... oh and if it works... : D

However, what happens with the characteristical noise and wav channel on the GB Boy once you change the crystal? Does it sound like the DMG ones or they remain the same?

Boddah wrote:

Can't wait to mod one of those clones!

Neither can I to hear all your finds big_smile

And also, why do you want a switch in the box? It makes more sense to just connect the box to the DMG, then activate it by using the switch on the DMG...

That wav is SICK!

Bought a clear purple GB Boy Color this morning!! Thanks Kitsch! I was looking fordward to put my hands on one, but those on eBay where ridiculously expensive.

I know nothing about that MIDI Shield and Arduinoboys, but anyways you can easily change the pinout without a lot of hassle. Just look in the code for what pin does what and change it using the "Search and replace" tool to wathever pin you need. Or, even better, if the programmer declared each pin as a variable, just change which pin the variable corresponds to and that's all! : )

Looking forward to taking a listen, Skycstls!

Teh D3th St4r wrote:

It's an additional fee... for all games you purchase.
Just to play games, you have to use Xbox Live and pay a registration fee.
So, if you're like me, and really don't give a shit about online multiplayer, Microsoft will soon be forcing you to pay a subscription fee in order to use a console they're selling you.

Is that true? Cause if so, I think I'm sticking to PC gaming for the whole new generation...


(188 replies, posted in Trading Post)

KeFF wrote:

Nice one! Take a picture for me smile

Will do, but it'll take me at least a month or two. I'm now beginning exams :@


(188 replies, posted in Trading Post)

It now looks less boring:

I'm saving one for when I finish my brother's midi controller. It'll need a sticker big_smile


(1,206 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Alley Beach wrote:

is the xboxboy functional? O.o

And beautiful consoles...

zaxxon wrote:

Finished testing the battery life and got it to run for 10 hrs and 23 minutes

That's quite a nice number : D Was it playing a song in LSDJ, or just in the menus?