At least you guys have Radioshack. Everytime I want to get an IC, I either have to order it online or pay it like 4x its price in the local shop xD (sorry for the offtopic).
114 May 14, 2013 11:47 am
Re: WTT: nanoloop GBA cart [GONE, YO] (5 replies, posted in Trading Post)
I want that cart, but maybe offering a Pokemon limited edition GBC isn't of much interest to you..
115 May 12, 2013 11:17 am
Re: // SEAL OF QUALITY - LIFE HACKS \\ (22 replies, posted in Releases)
Amazing. I love the vocoding and beats.
116 May 12, 2013 9:07 am
Re: My Custom C64 Project (15 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)
I don't really like the grape case.
It was an experiment, and the results were... not really to my taste.
Meanwhile.... I think it looks awesome! XD
117 May 10, 2013 9:22 pm
Re: Vocoding like in this song (How?) (7 replies, posted in Other Hardware)
Hi, sorry for the bump but a friend showed me this :
Sounds like what you're talking about
More or less yes.
I've been trying it but I can't figure out how to make the proper effect without putting the tuning out xD
118 May 9, 2013 6:21 pm
Re: Making a passive mixer. (97 replies, posted in Other Hardware)
Timbob wrote:I just took out the whole Op-amp part. couldn't hear anything.
Now I've got 680Ohms. stil a bit soft, but acceptable i guess.If you took the amplifier thing out, then forget what I just said hahaha.Why don't you try with an even lower value?
119 May 9, 2013 6:20 pm
Re: Making a passive mixer. (97 replies, posted in Other Hardware)
DogTag wrote:I thought it should be 1kOhms each... weird. Have you changed R4 and R5 as well?
I just took out the whole Op-amp part. couldn't hear anything.
Now I've got 680Ohms. stil a bit soft, but acceptable i guess.
If you took the amplifier thing out, then forget what I just said hahaha.Why don't you try with a lower value?
120 May 9, 2013 4:17 pm
Re: Making a passive mixer. (97 replies, posted in Other Hardware)
I thought it should be 1kOhms each... weird. Have you changed R4 and R5 as well?
121 May 8, 2013 6:40 pm
Re: Making a passive mixer. (97 replies, posted in Other Hardware)
Well, spend all day working on a schematic.
With a tl072 won't work. 10k resistors gives you a really low volume, almost can't hear it.
And diodes won't work as well, which is strange, and I can't figure out why. Maybe my plugs are just crap.
What's the average maximum voltage of a line-out on a Game Boy? That schematic is designed for 1V input signals. Maybe if the iput voltage is wrong, then the whole circuit is not working as it should.
Self response:
Pro sound -----------1V------------------0.5V
So the problem might be the resistors value.
122 May 8, 2013 3:48 pm
Re: Making a passive mixer. (97 replies, posted in Other Hardware)
Aren't you basically mixing two signals with a common ground into a speaker/headphones? Why would it cause damage?
124 May 6, 2013 5:24 pm
Re: Vocoding like in this song (How?) (7 replies, posted in Other Hardware)
I have found in work with vocoders that you should try to sing as close to on-pitch as possible or one consistent tone, and enunciation is a big factor in the outcome. However, the way you have your EQ for the voice and carrier set up will affect the sound and how it sounds once your vocal inflections act as a formant. I'm no pro with vocoding (yet), so all I can advise you do is play with EQing, working on getting a super clean vocal recording, and not giving up. Sometimes it takes toodling with the smallest details will make all the difference. Good luck.
Thank you bitman! I had not thought about EQing!
What about software?
125 May 6, 2013 4:58 pm
Topic: Vocoding like in this song (How?) (7 replies, posted in Other Hardware)
I'm making a song, and I wanted to add a slightly vocoded voice on the verses. I'd like it to be in the style of "Something about us" (Daft Punk). I've tried to mix square, sawtooth and sine waves separately from the WAV channel with my recorded voice in Audacity (vocoding effect), but the result is awful.
Can someone give me guidance on how to do this? I've been reading through Internet and everyone says something different about vocoding. I've also checked the "Iron Lung" pedal, but it's a bit expensive.
Also, a very stupid question: Should I not sing in tune in order to make the vocoding sound ok? When I did it with Audacity I noticed it sounded like "too tuned"... doesn't make sense, but I think you know what I mean.
126 May 2, 2013 9:49 am
Re: Kubbi - Gas Powered EP (12 replies, posted in Releases)
It does indeed have a rather sudden ending, but we wanted to leave the listeners wanting more... if they liked the EP that is
. It's possible this collaboration will happen again.
Yes, we do want more!
127 Apr 28, 2013 12:07 pm
Re: Custom LSDJ fonts (48 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
128 Apr 28, 2013 9:34 am
Re: Customized gear thread (1,206 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
I'm pretty sure that should be possible with a modified arduinoboy code and a little extra hardware.
Also what asimoke says, of course. Much easier xD