you hit it right on the head bitman ![smile](
Most computers do, but not all unfortunately. I actually fried a card reader USB port playing around with USB power a little while back >_> that's one of the reasons i was so keen on getting overload protection built into this lol. In USB wall adapters, car chargers, other devices ext, it varies depending on the unit in question.
This adapter limits the current draw to the international standard for USB 2.0 so theres no risk using it with anything you have handy, but it provides this current at 6 volts instead of 5v.
getting more technical, its has to do with the DMG picking up more amps (current) by stepping down from 6v to 5v. the batteries provide 6v (1.5v x 4) and all the original adapters and battery packs also provide 6v (and indeed the DMG itself is stamped saying it needs a 6v PS). So, while the system runs on 5v internally, it has a step down transformer which is designed for a 6v primary (input). The power going into and coming out of a step-down transformer has to always be the same; 6v can equal 5v IF 5v has more amps than 6v. What happens when you have a 5v primary feeding a 5v secondary is you basically bypass it with some slight efficiency issues and loose that native boost in amps. running on a 5v primary is the equivalent of running in on low batteries as running the system on a set of batteries that test out at ~5v means you have less current available (and the system will likely crash as soon as you turn on a backlight or try loading a game). the reason it works at all is you're basically making the laptop/whatever you're plugged into provide the amps the transformer is intended to produced from stepping down; your laptop should provide 5v with enough current to run a DMG, but not everything is designed for use with devices that dont regulate their draw. USB wall adapters provide a current range from 250mAh to 1A (1000mAh) lol, meaning not all will work with a direct USB-jack adapter. USB car adapters and other fused power sources will simply blow their fuse without something like my adapter between it and the DMG.
another key difference is noise, as bitman also pointed out. my adapter filters almost all of it out while Luftek's, or at least the one he sent me, can be quite noisy. kind of sounds like a transformer screaming lol ![wink](