I think the guy of pspseq can not open it but it is not a big problem, there is a lot of fm synthesis out there. I will go for VOPM instead and preenfm 2 two.
The first one could be implemented on psp, the second will take too much cpu.
One of the first synth implemented in every version of picoloop is a dosbox adlib engine two operator. bsa has released it years ago, it is used by every dosbox game, it sound great, here is a track of picoloop made with it :
So four track with two operator and a novation k station could make some stuff 
And yes picoloop will have really soon true bpm, today, i'm writing this, because I want to use it with my e2, elektron and nanoloop 2 gears.
So to clarify this a bit here is what will be implemented in q4, because I'm not a genius.
- psp and dingoo will have a pulse sync out signal available ( you will be able to active it at launch ) on one channel, left or right. It will allow to sync to volca, and electribe 2 hardware, and obviously nanoloop 2, I've use it on my laptop and it works so it should work on psp and dingoo. So you will need a custom jack to rca cable or make your own cable to make it works ;
- windows, linux ( raspi, debian, redhat ) will have pulse sync in and pulse sync out in the same config screen
- windows, linux ( raspi and debian ) will have midi clock in out support, with midi in out card chooseable. and virtual midi channel to send midi clock ;
- I can add a play/stop in this version too, won't be a problem I think ;
PSP is unfortunately not able to be a USB host, so I will do my best with the midi gadget driver ( you know the psp is not a"usb on the go" port ), and if i'm able to write something which work, yes there will be a full midi in out implementation, but this will need a usb host, and the psp will be seen as a midi device from the pc. It will need at this time a pi, or pc, so, don't know if it will be really usefull for anyone. But this last thing will be done latter because i'm not sure it will deserve lots of user. I will try it for fun.
One day I will port picoloop on android, but I will take my time to do it. And yes on android the source code will be free. But you will have to pay to use it. Because at this time it will be like 5 years that I develop picoloop so I will sell it
But it will not cost much than a big beer 
I can not see the video... I've a really low bandwith phone here....