I'm currently working on a project that incorporates flicker in an actual game (dual compatible), so I can share some info from experience.

60 fps flicker is virtually imperceptible on the DMG, so it looks really great; 30 fps, not so much.

Flicker on the GBC only blends at 60 fps, but even then it produces vertical or horizontal lines (probably because the GBC LCD is interlaced). You can see these lines if you load up Nitro's flicker example. But in some special circumstances, this effect can still be beneficial. In my project I'm flickering between red and black to get dark red, allowing a sprite with more than 3 tones without sprite stacking.

As for Nintendo's claim; the effect is fine if you're making a duel compatible game (so that color palettes are used instead of black&white flickering). Really only issue I've found with a DMG game played on the GBC is, like I said, the horizontal lines. 

Now as Nitro said, the Super GameBoy playing on a CRT monitor will ruin the blending illusion and look awful. But I'd say the pros far outweigh this one con. And a developer COULD theoretically run special code to turn OFF the flicker effects if played on a Super GameBoy, so I don't see why they didn't go that route. Nintendo probably didn't like a non-Nintendo company putting out a game that exceeded their own standards.

In my project you can see an actual screenshot of the GBC using flicker to give the Shao Kahn character (center) more than 3 hues (namely the red armor). Screenshots here: http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/11139 … w-project/

I've also tried to extend the palette past 7 shades by using other combinations at 60 fps, such as mixing black with light grey.  If light grey is 25% and black is %100 then that should provide at tone of %62.5, theoretically. But in practice these additional combinations aren't visually distinguishable from the regular 7 shades.

In summary, 7 shades is indeed far superior to the regular 4. It especially helps make the characters pop from the background.

If you could share the MML folder for compiling, that would be a great help. I've been looking for something like that.

As for the Triangle wave form, is that basically what regular GB MK3 used for the wave channel? I personally liked the deep powerful bass in GB MK3, and hope to replicate something similar.

On the noise channel, regular GB MK3 kinda sucks, but MK1 and II are excellent; by far the most powerful and loud drum hit sounds I've heard on GB. Using BGB you can isolate the sound channels to listen to them using F5,F6,F7,F8. If we could do something similar to MKII, we may be able to handle most the drum sounds with just the noise channel, and not resort to wave samples for harder hits.

You can also view the particular wave form a game is using in BGB by going to I/O menu.

That is so fucking awesome! You've already exceeded regular GB MK3's select music in my opinion. Amazing work, really.

I've noticed MKII had some really loud, hard, percussion, so I'm aiming to figure out exactly how they pulled it off with the noise channel.

Proof of concept: (it's VERY hard to get good pictures of the GB screens, but it looks better in person, I guarantee).

Only issue I've found with NES MML is the noise channel is different from the GameBoy's noise channel. But for writing the melody with the pulse channels, I've found your mml site helpful.
The goal  is to get everything as close to the Arcade version as possible.

Arcade Select Screen music:

Arcade Desert music:

There is also MK Trilogy for the Tiger Game.Com (basically like the black & white GameBoy, but with more tile ram). But Ultimate MK3 was never released in 8-bit form. Not even as a NES pirate as far as I've seen

I'm looking to translate some MK3 tunes into 8-bit NES/GB format.  I'm curious if any experienced MML musicians may be interested in helping put together a couple tracks.

Here's the track I'm working on:  http://www.mmlshare.com/tracks/view/368

It's the select screen music for Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3

Note-wise, it's pretty accurate. But I'd really like to get Channel B to sound more like a synth voice "oohhhh, uuuhhhhh" that alternates between a semitone. And I'd like the drums to have more punch to them.
Here's the original song from the Arcade version:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_ee8HIo1Wk

I also want to re-iterate that I'm aiming to port this to GameBoy, and thus don't think I can use samples. I've only go the A, B, and D channels on GB

Reading about the Pitch Sweep here http://nesdev.com/mckc-e.txt
But the function doesn't seem to work in www.mmlshare.com
I get the error: "Unuse command in this track"
Is this just a glitch in this program, or am I not using this command right?

From what I gather you would set it like this:  "s(9,15)"

Here's what the article says:

    * Pitch Sweep
          s[speed],[depth] (0,0)
               Pitch Sweep, similar to the pitch envelope. The range for [speed]
               appears to only function in the range of 9 ~ 15, where a higher
               value will effect a more subtle change every frame, and the range
               of [depth] appears to function according to this chart:

                   |1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 11 12 13 14 15|
                   |       DOWN         OFF          UP         |

               Here the closer to the ends of the spectrum, the more drastic the
               pitch change is, and if the value is 8, nothing happens.

Maybe orch hit was a bad term. I was just asking about the most powerful kind of percussion hit that is possible to pull off. I'm not looking to actually emulate an orch hit sound, just a deep, hard percussion.

Oh, I should mention I'm writing this in MML. Hope that helps clear the question up a bit

Tadpole, could you please elaborate a little more on how to go about making the batch file to preview the songs?

Seems like "B" is the lowest note, and C the highest, so a B note at level 15 volume?
Is that all that can be done?
I'm aiming for a powerful orchestral hit kind of sound.

This will also be ported to the GameBoy...

"NES has thin, thick and fat. those are your shapes."

Yes and no.

You can mix the pulse waves together for more dynamic sounds.

" The versatility of this technique is not to be underestimated; it is
          integral to many fuller-sounding NES soundtracks. It enables the
          composer to choose from a wide range of instrument sounds far beyond
          the simple ping of the pulse wave's four duty ratios."

Here's the full quote from this document:  http://nesdev.com/mckc-e.txt
Timbre Macro
     @[num] = { - | - }
          Accepting values between 0 ~ 127 for [num] and 0 ~ 15 within the { }
          brackets, this macro will change the duty ratio (timbre) of the sound
          while playing, as follows:

               0... 12.5% (thin, raspy pulse wave)
               1... 25.0% (smooth, thickly timbral pulse wave)
               2... 50.0% (clear, thin bell-like square wave)
               3... 75.0% (identical to 25%, but phase-inverted)

          Multiple values are separated by spaces or commas.

          The first value defines the initial timbre, and the last number the
          final timbre, to be held until the note is stopped. In between,
          however, the timbre will "sweep" through each value, advancing once
          each frame, until it reaches the end. In this manner, you can give
          each note an "attack" that will make it rapidly change from one timbre
          to another when the sound starts.

          The versatility of this technique is not to be underestimated; it is
          integral to many fuller-sounding NES soundtracks. It enables the
          composer to choose from a wide range of instrument sounds far beyond
          the simple ping of the pulse wave's four duty ratios.

Yeah, I'm not having any trouble programming in MML. Just curious about the limits of the envelop function and how to get the most out of it.