I never kept track. Many.
33 Dec 20, 2014 1:19 am
Re: How many songs do you compose per year? (57 replies, posted in General Discussion)
34 Dec 19, 2014 8:38 pm
Re: Radlib's **FREE** OPL3 LAPTOP GIVEAWAY !! WINNERS CHOSEN !! (62 replies, posted in Trading Post)
I'd be more interested in collaborating rather than accepting free prizes in this case.
35 Dec 19, 2014 8:00 pm
Re: Chaos Tracker (Open Source) (336 replies, posted in Sega)
CountSymphoniC wrote:I'm in the middle of pushing for a public demo release. So maybe you will get to try it out soon.
I'm really looking forward to this! I have Sega Genesis Model 1 and Sega Genesis Nomad to play it out on!
I've personally tested on a model 1 and it works great. Unmodded Nomads are reported to have minor issues with the LCD clipping a slight portion of the top and bottom of the screen.
36 Dec 19, 2014 7:55 pm
Re: Radlib's **FREE** OPL3 LAPTOP GIVEAWAY !! WINNERS CHOSEN !! (62 replies, posted in Trading Post)
the only apologies radlibs owes is to all the untalented chumps he's psyched out by being measures of magnitude more awesome than them. Insincere apologies.
I was referring to the instigator in owing an apology, not Radlib. I don't think it's right that someone should have to give away their stuff because someone else was attacking them with negativity. Consider it a matter of opinion.
37 Dec 19, 2014 3:47 pm
Re: Radlib's **FREE** OPL3 LAPTOP GIVEAWAY !! WINNERS CHOSEN !! (62 replies, posted in Trading Post)
Not at all cool. I think an apology should be in order, not a contest.
38 Dec 18, 2014 5:36 am
Re: Chaos Tracker (Open Source) (336 replies, posted in Sega)
No promises on a Christmas release, it depends on how this turns out. But if I can get the required tasks checked off by then, then Merry Christmas.
Keep in mind, the coming public demo release is to get everyone's feet wet with Genesis/Megadrive console tracking, get ideas for feature requests, and for the entire Chiptune community to help give feedback to help envisage the future of this project. It is by no means a promise that we'll see regular demo updates before the official mainline release. The beta team and I will be working closely on making sure that everyone gets a solid tracker to compose and go live with.
39 Dec 17, 2014 6:24 pm
Re: Chaos Tracker (Open Source) (336 replies, posted in Sega)
This is going to be rad. It's a head screw moving between emulated trackers and hardware with so many things that are slightly different! Especially the slightly differing tunings and sample weirdness.
Can't wait to get this ROM in the mega drive and give it a go!
Indeed it is, when I first tested Prodigy on real hardware there were many problems non existent in emulators. Emulators are way too generous.
I'm in the middle of pushing for a public demo release. So maybe you will get to try it out soon.
40 Dec 16, 2014 7:14 pm
Re: Pulsar out of tune? (9 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
Sorry about the lack of response, I'm a busy boy these days!
Yes, it's because there's no provision for a PAL pitch table but it shouldn't be too much work to get a PAL version out.
Ah the envy. The NES sounds like a real pleasure to work with in code.
41 Dec 7, 2014 9:45 pm
Re: Tips wanted: external usb audio-interface (13 replies, posted in Audio Production)
I use M-Audio Fast Track. It's really affordable but I've been able to get some excellent mixes using it and I get low latency as well. I'd often compose intricate mixes with lots of orchestral and rock themed instruments, so if it can handle that, it can handle DMG.
42 Dec 5, 2014 7:47 pm
Topic: FS ebay Silver Gameboy Pocket. (0 replies, posted in Trading Post)
Time to sell my Gameboy Pocket.
Here's the link @ http://www.ebay.com/itm/Nintendo-Game-B
43 Nov 29, 2014 2:36 am
Re: Chaos Tracker (Open Source) (336 replies, posted in Sega)
Maybe they meant v 0.02?
ADSR envelopes now draw to screen and look magnificient. Does anyone here love retro graphics? The ADSR envelopes are very retro and chip looking, they might remind some of you of Atari or C64. We're chip artists, who needs anti aliased lines anyways?
44 Nov 27, 2014 11:47 pm
Re: Chaos Tracker (Open Source) (336 replies, posted in Sega)
Recently I bought a chinese gaming console called Mega 3-X (by Firecore) . It's basically a hardware sega genesis clone/emulator with no slot for cartridges, but an SD card for loading roms (.bin archives) . I am not sure if such console includes a .sav option ( I suspect it doesnt ) I already tested a bit the 0.20 available version of Prodigy (YMDj) and i think it mostly worked...
Sorry my english, i am a spanish speaker. Will maybe Prodigy be able to run on such console? I offer myself to test the Prodigy rom if it is useful to the project in some way.
Only one other person besides myself has access to version 0.20, I'm interested in knowing how you managed to get ahold of it.
Testing on Chinese clones like that hold no guarantees. Especially when the hardware is emulated.
I'm willing to bet that it will not work well if at all.
Seriously now, how could you have possibly tested v 0.20?
45 Nov 27, 2014 6:19 pm
Re: Sega Genesis: New XGM driver. (13 replies, posted in Sega)
Hmm so basically just include the z80 code for 4 PCM. I'll have to dig through the source and see for myself how all this works. I'll have to implement it soon.
Is the 4 PCM support suitable for chromatic sampled instruments? I'm curious what one would have to do in code to control the pitch of the samples. I see using percussive samples would be simple, but things like Piano or Strings is what I'm curious about. Also, isn't it the case that 1 PCM channel is done with the YM2612 and the other 3 are done with the PSG tone channels 1-3 or are all 4 done in one YM2612 channel?
This could very well turn the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive into the perfect sample/synth tracking console. Very exciting!
Also, as for your pause bug... I would think that the Key off and RR maxed out would have done the trick. Try maxing the TL also, it should silence everything.
46 Nov 26, 2014 6:34 pm
Re: Sega Genesis: New XGM driver. (13 replies, posted in Sega)
Yup, Stef and I already had a talk about this. Using the sound driver itself for tracking probably won't happen. But adding certain features like the multiple channel PCM playback and .XGM import and export will be something I'll be looking into at a later stage.
Very nice work Stef, way to push the console to it's limits! If you like I can test it on hardware as well and help you identify possible causes for bugs. The Genesis/Megadrive's sound chips and I.. well we understand each other.
47 Nov 23, 2014 10:46 pm
Re: Recording from NES (6 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
You'll either have to mod your NES or run the signal through noise filter software, you might lose some of the good frequencies doing method two so modding your NES might be the best thing for you.
48 Nov 23, 2014 7:19 am
Re: Chaos Tracker (Open Source) (336 replies, posted in Sega)
The official Beta Team is comprised of the following members:
the mist toggles
I'm no longer accepting any more Beta Testing requests as it's best to keep the Team small.
Beta Testers, there will soon be a system in place where you can download the latest version and upload bug reports all in one place. This will be separate from Chipmusic.org, that way it'll be easier for me to manage bug reports and for you to download the latest version. I will let you know more when we get to that point. Thank you for becoming a part of the development team.
ADSR Envelope display is coming along, we have the Attack line drawing working and it doesn't look quite right!