(22 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

I do.


(22 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

Am I understanding this correctly? Chipmusic will not accept donations because it does not want to fall to the same fate as 8bc? What?

That's like saying just because a lightning bolt struck and killed someone at a certain place, means we should all stay as far away from that place as possible. Look, maybe I don't know the whole story, but if one guy is willing to pay out of pocket to keep this forum alive, then we should all have the choice to support it as well. This isn't a corporate owned business. Of course, if you think I'm crazy, then now would be a great time to call me out on it.

Allow me to illustrate my point with this:
As far as I know, Chipmusic.org at present time is the largest and best social gathering in forum form specifically for chiptune musicians and like minded people to join and share thoughts, ideas and art. We just had a sizeable paid offer for talent HERE. I've looked around and everything else I've come across is subpar compared to Chipmusic.org and maybe that's just a simple opinion of mine. However, Chipmusic.org is a place for growth, for the entire chiptune movement, and I'd be willing to assert... a central pillar.

My goals are the success of the 8 and 16-bit chiptune movement and considering the tracker I'm working on, my goals are most especially focused on the 16-bit movement. Shiru, Delek, cTrix and I all are providing software to help make this happen. I see absolutely no reason why Chipmusic.org can't be the next 8bc, or better yet surpass it. I've heard numerous ex-chiptuners tell me that they gave up with the fall of 8bc. I get it, we don't want to walk through the same footsteps of 8bc, right? Are we going to make progress out of the concern that we'll repeat history, or are we going to make progress out of having the confidence to forge a new path?

Donations are one way to help the cause. To fortify the pillar. But there are many other ways that haven't been considered that could help expand everything we're doing here. More people need to hear our music and learn about what it is that we're doing here. This means more fans, more chiptuners, and more innovation. Music is an inter-inspired art form. We learn from each other and create new ideas based off of those ideas.

If everyone here thinks that donations aren't the answer, then what will it take beyond what we're already doing to expand? There's so much talent here that's waiting to be heard. Once in a while I poke around and listen to the music that other artists are creating here, and I hear amazing talent and potential. What is something that we can do to better expose the artistic creativity here to the rest of the world?


(22 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

I'm not sure I understand the reasoning for this policy.


(336 replies, posted in Sega)

Absolutely, Deflemask compatibility is still in the agenda.
Thank you Delek for the link to that MIDI to .dmf converter, I would have never known it existed otherwise.


(22 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

It's only fair. If I'm able to receive donations for my project on Chipmusic.org, then Chipmusic.org should be able to accept donations from me and the many other users that enjoy the features of this site.


(336 replies, posted in Sega)

Quick question on something that was brought up over at OC Remix, does anyone think being able to import .MID files into the ROM would be something useful to have?


(336 replies, posted in Sega)

Jansaw wrote:

Cool! Was just wondering:) I totally understand the enharmonic spelling of notes. It's for that reason that I thought it might be awkward for someone (maybe it's just me) writing an Gb major chord with F# as its root, but this has always been the case with LSDJ, as you mentioned. It'd be sweet, in my humble opinion, one day to have a tracker with the option to write enharmonic spellings (F# or Gb).

Don't get me wrong, I love that there's variety here! Keep up the great work... I'm so excited for the many hours I'll spend on my genesis tracking music:)

I want this to be a powerful tracker. I'm not going to lie, it would be difficult to change it because of the way I have note digits hard coded, (which I'm starting to find out for reasons other than what you're mentioning) is very non intuitive especially for RAM usage. But maybe sometime in the future when I get the bulk of the sound driver done I can look into adding customization for this sort of thing in the options menu.

Basically it's not efficient code and I want to change it. So when I get to doing that (more than likely it will be when RAM usage is maxed out and I need more space) I will also add customization for note spelling.


(336 replies, posted in Sega)

I have a strong ear in the realm of music theory and write more advanced jazz/classically influenced chip and metal. When I compose, I hear notes/chords/arps/scales/harmonies in my head. The note names could be gibberish symbols and I could still write perfectly because I compose by ear, but I can't always associate note names/flats/sharps with it's actual pitch. So the choice in mixing the two is for the sake of variety and novelty. I kind of got bored looking at LSDj's pure sharps and I thought looking at nothing but flats would also be dull, so I simply thought it would be fun to mix the two! smile

In all technicality though,  Eb, Ab, and Bb are exactly the same as D#, G#, and A#.


(3 replies, posted in Trading Post)



(3 replies, posted in Trading Post)


alexungu04 wrote:

Thanks a lot for the support! And @CountSymphonic, We'd LOVE to collaborate with you one day big_smile

I would like to email you a couple of Progessive/Contempory Classical Metal songs I've done so you can get a solid idea of where my musicianship is at. I assume that the yahoo email that you guys used to send me the bonus tracks would be good?


(336 replies, posted in Sega)

Lazerbeat wrote:

Hmm Hmm, what is "operator 0 envelope?"

It means no envelope. In the future when I implement drawing of envelopes I want that to draw the operator envelope that's currently being edited.

No worries on the algorithm and envelope drawing guys. I want to get more sound stuff out of the way before I do that. Also, once I start working on Groove I'm also adding in the Options Menu, tempo control and palette editing.


(336 replies, posted in Sega)

New video added. Progress is coming along.

I like your work, I also like the rich guitar tone. I'd be interested in collaborating with you guys some day when I have more free time.


(336 replies, posted in Sega)

JaffaCakeMexica wrote:

Will it have true BPM like LGPT or framerate based "speed"?

Only if I can get it to work. Even if I do get it to work, the fact of the matter is that BPM calculations on consoles like this aren't 100% accurate. There's a chance that the BPM on the tracker would be ever so slightly mismatched with the BPM of your favorite DAW  or other trackers. There's little that can be done about it if this is the case. But we'll see very soon, I might be able to find a way to avoid the accuracy issue that plagues other retro trackers.


(336 replies, posted in Sega)

Jansaw wrote:

out of curiosity, how can Prodigy Tracker be compatible with Defflemask workflow if the tracker is not compatible with everdrive/something similar (as mentioned above)? Unless the cart you plan to sell can be flashed somehow. I probably sound like a dufus, and there may be a simple answer. Just a thought I had today based on the limited knowledge I currently have on this stuff.

ps: I'm ridiculously excited for this. Been craving a native genesis tracker for performance application for a while now.

When the time comes for a cart run, we're going for flash carts that can be flashed via USB. Even still, ultimately Prodigy Tracker will be compatible with Everdrives and emulators, even if it means I have to have different versions or modes of the ROM.