And there's this now. … h-book-pdf
But I'm still on board with this. In my opinion, you can never have too many patches!

nf wrote:

For instance, a friend called me the day before yesterday and greeted me with "Hey fuckface."

I laughed, but should he be sad that he can't do the same thing to a random person on the street?

(Well, I guess he can, but the consequences might be undesirable.)

I just had a bad experience with that. My idiot of a friend has lived his life so far with no needs or confrontations. He was used to getting his way. We had to do a particularly pain in the ass job recording an orchestra, and we drew straws to see who would face the director, who is a positively vicious woman. He got picked, refused to go, and when one of my other friends told him to go do it, it was a fair pick, he said go fuck yourself. He was in the hospital with a concussion and a broken arm.

Granted that can't happen over the internet, but if you wouldn't say that to someones face, then don't say it here. Unless you would be saying that to their face, I guess.


(4 replies, posted in Releases)

My face has been melted in a good way.


(47 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Now that I got that out of my system, is there anything being planned this spring? I'm gonna be out there visiting family around then, and it seems that LA has got a pretty vibrant scene.


(47 replies, posted in General Discussion)

boaconstructor wrote:


Post edited by mods, rule 13



(3 replies, posted in Releases)

chunter wrote:

It's okay to bring attention to your own stuff...

Especially when it's good. Like this album.

Very good, can't wait to get it on a card!

That will be stuck in my head for a while yet. Also, that guy at the beginning riding the horse smoking the pipe cracked me up for some reason.


(23 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

I prefer to have my cat write my music for me then dance around on stage holding a gameboy and wearing a megaman costume.

kitsch wrote:

another good trick for cleaning cases:  run them through a dishwasher cycle (top rack).

unless your washer has a heating thing on the top rack too, then probably not. 

it gets them squeaky.

Will that remove sharpie? Because my gameboy is heavily doodled upon.

ant1 wrote:

i can't get my head around that argument at all really. but i first heard dubstep in 2008 and it wasnt good then either.

is kind of like if Bit Shifter got really popular and everyone started to love his music and then they came here and hated all our music because we weren't as good as bit shifter. i think it would be wrong to blame bit shifter for the bad reputation of chiptunes in that scenario.

Skrillex is just bad dubstep. I don't like most dubstep, but there are a few gems, mellower tunes, not that hyped up dance stuff.


(10 replies, posted in Releases)

Personally tape is the death of me, sometimes I break out the old mixer and play some bass and guitar and stuff. Then I screw up. But then again, I'm bad at planning stuff, though I totally agree about protools feeling gridded (if that wasn't a word it is now.)


(10 replies, posted in Releases)

First off, nice album. Secondly, why the OP-1 I mean, I get that its a fully featured workstation, but you can do the same with a computer, right? After all, the thing is digital, What's the appeal? Just wondering.


(36 replies, posted in Releases)

nonfinite wrote:

I got a look at his setup during BRKfest.  He doesn't even use LSDJ.  It's just the Gameshark.  He's injecting pure hexadecimal code into the DMG.

Just thinking about that gives me a headache.


(304 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I may have to pick up one of those RGB boys, tis the season to buy lots of stuff after all.


(4 replies, posted in Releases)

Listened to it through twice, great stuff. I think I'm gonna buy the tape.