*deleted* double post
1 Jan 10, 2022 6:02 pm
Re: SEGA VST FMDRIVE YM2612 GENESIS FM SYNTH (VGM conversion soon) (121 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)
2 Jan 10, 2022 6:01 pm
Re: SEGA VST FMDRIVE YM2612 GENESIS FM SYNTH (VGM conversion soon) (121 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)
Hi everyone!
There are some ways to save a track from this VST to VGM format? I see in first message that it has been in TO_DO list in 2014)
Go to the download section, under FMDrive you will find a link to the MIDI 2 VGM conversion pack (Convert your FMDrive or/and SPSG track to a .VGM format. (Win Only), info and how to included.
3 Jan 28, 2015 10:16 am
Re: Interest Spritemind Synth (5 replies, posted in Sega)
So good to hear your input
You have indeed been very busy and I understand the limits on your time.( hope I didn't sound like I was'expecting' you to support this) And Yes, I was very excited to read that the plan was to have compatibility with the GenMDM CC assignments, and of course your FM Drive VST. That in fact was the kicker for me
Having inter-op with FM Drive is my main goal with this.
I agree that it's a shame how things worked out with the GenMDM. And as you say, Seb could have developed a nice market for it. As talented and creative as he is, could have built a good cottage business if he had wanted to.
I've only just glanced at the source so far, but would very much like to get this baby running. As per the Youtube demos it's a good start so with some effort I'm sure progress can be made.
If there isn't enough interest in a board run I'll probably build it up on proto board. I have a YM2612 on hand ATM, but the 3438 looks very nice also. It sounds better then the 2612? It's MOR/MOL interface looks easier with the push/pull outputs so it might be a better choice.
At any rate, any experience with this project you can offer is greatly appreciated.
4 Jan 27, 2015 11:26 pm
Re: Interest Spritemind Synth (5 replies, posted in Sega)
Hey all. So I was over at Spritemind (first time on that forum) and ran into this open source/open hardware project
http://gendev.spritesmind.net/forum/vie php?t=1470
Very excited reading through the thread and was looking into ordering a board run from OSH park. There is a 3 board min and the Sq Inches work out to $43 per board.
This is just the board: no parts, DIY assembly with a alpha prototype WIP project. I don't know any thing about the project other then what is posted on that thread so can't offer much help to anyone till I get my hands on one. But bear in mind that the prototypes have been built and work; and it looks like Aly James has been working/testing it and has posted a tease on his thread here. BUT I can't speak for him any help he can or can't offer.
IF there is interest, the boards would be at cost+shipping from US via USPS. Payment by PayPal due when boards arrive here from OSH Park (before I ship to you). Can't imagine it would be too much postage for a padded mailing envelope but that depends on your location.
I have to order in groups of 3 and I'd rather not consider more then 9 boards total at this point ( 8 boards up for grabs, MAX). I'll wait about a week to order so lets hear if your interested.
I have been quite busy last year doing a lot of non chip related development to expand my VST range, all of these turned out quite well;
still I have kept some interest into the FM chips, testing and refining an FMDrive MIDI to VGM converter with Valley Bell from VGMRip, which is ready by now and also preparing a future OSX port (for now I am finishing VLINN LM-1 Drums VST which is now crossplatform and will be released around late February ) FMDrive is more of a niche market so it will be cross-platform but later as time/investment permits.
I am also looking into Sega Saturn Monstrous FM chip territory...
I have been saddened by the whole GenMDM shipping fiasco, especially because I have been promoting LittleScale work a lot with FMDrive VST being compatible with it...and in the end, no one can find an interface, Seb kept it closed source and did not addressed remaining bugs or code errors. I have more than 1000+ FMdrive users around the world, I am sure these would have be at least 500+ GenMDM sold...
Now to the point;
Regarding the YM Hardware interface, I lost communication with foobat some time ago and didn't find the time to refine the teensy code myself yet.
The hardware is fully working, supporting YM2612 or YM3438 (sounds better while being 99% compatible), the code needs to be redone because for now it only supports polyphonic assignment and do not support MIDI CC to Registers fully. The goal was to add an FMDrive VST mapping but via an external .cpp file which could be customized to any CC map to suit any control interface (being FMDrive VST or anything else)
I will try to contact again foobat about this but the good news is that IT IS OPEN SOURCE so yeah everything might benefit from the community input.
Most of the hard stuffs are already taken care of into the current firmware, so it is a matter of improving, not starting from scratch
I have the latest firmware so if anyone with appropriate knowledge might want to give it a go, I am available as time permits and will help when I got a chance.
The aim was to have an open source interface that people can built themselves or have them built by someone else.
Dual chip configuration permits any combination from 12 Voices = YM2612 * 2 or 12 Voices = YM2612 + YM3438 or fully 2* YM3438
Imagination is the limit, like redesigning the board to make it smaller with only one chip or replace the second one by an SN76489 PSG for a full Genesis board...
Still being hyper busy but I have a bunch of infos + latest .cpp beta firmware for anyone being interested into pushing the development further and faster.
Drop me a mail (you can find it at my website www.alyjameslab.com)
5 Sep 21, 2014 1:38 am
Re: SEGA VST FMDRIVE YM2612 GENESIS FM SYNTH (VGM conversion soon) (121 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)
Sorry for the laaaaate reply pretty busy!
This might help... http://www.alyjameslab.com/macosxsupport.html
6 May 21, 2014 11:06 pm
Re: 1st Digital Sample Based Drum Machine in History in VSTi -- Linn LM1 (2 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)
Yeah the major point is that the tuning of EPROMS data that are decoded in real-time by the emulated AM6070 DACs maintains these extra harmonics content at EVERY PITCH which is not the case with samples played on a modern system or DAW...
7 May 21, 2014 10:33 pm
Topic: 1st Digital Sample Based Drum Machine in History in VSTi -- Linn LM1 (2 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)
Hi y'all here is my latest baby, the VLINN LM1 Drums VST.
Linn's LM-1 is a drum machine classic, having being used extensively throughout the '80s and beyond.
The DACs in use in here provides some gritty sounding stuff!
Rather than being based on samples, VLINN models the LM-1's internal circuitry, even being capable of loading real EPROM data.
This is the funkiest machine ever ahahaa and this is totally different than using samples of the machine.
(OSX will b available next year )
http://www.musicradar.com/us/news/tech/ gin-600270
FULL DETAIL HERE: http://www.alyjameslab.com
8 May 3, 2014 1:56 pm
Re: [SEGA MD / GEN] GenMDM SEGA Genesis / Mega Drive MIDI Interface (1,383 replies, posted in Sega)
While I totally understand the situation here; I don't think that bashing at me with a "fucking plugin" flag will help in any way
I perfectly understands the hardware nerds point of view even if it doesn't make much sense in case of FM synthesis or PSG because it is a full digital process in the first place, whether it is happening in a custom chip + Z80, 68K processor or inside a PC.
The limitations, which are an important part of the creative process, are known and you can perfectly stick to that if you want to...
I have spend a lot of time on this an so far many users around the world are happy with it included well known original FM systems composers.
My intervention in this thread were mainly focused on using the plugins as visual controllers for the GenMDM, which is cool, however the support is kind of freezed by the actual situation for a long time as many things have to be corrected on the hardware Firmware side.
Seb is a wonderful person and if you follow his work he is constantly creating new things and seems to find motivation out of new territories.. that is why after almost 2 years without any public news about GenMDM I think he has moved on since the initial development and do not feel quiet like willing to work too much on this anymore... As a result, updates will b very sporadic. At least that is how I feel about this.
I can be wrong on the reasons but the "no infos about the sate of orders" politics is out of my understanding.
The thing which is uncool is that it reflect a bad aura on the ChipMusic.org Sega Forum... There is a lots of positive things going on in this territory, You already have Trackers like Deflemask or VGMM, plugins like FMDrive & SPSG, MML compilers etc... which all can outputs VGM for real hardware playing if needed but more importantly lets you create MUSIC which is I think the aim of all this.
I have provided ROMS to play with, converters for many chips, pushed the limits on the PSG techniques etc...to feel kind of disappointed by the "fucking plugin" stuff. Even if people are exasperated from this undelivered situation.
I suggest for all the undelivered persons to make a thread especially for that and point Little Scale to it as a clear reference, leaving the original thread about the concept free of that bad aura.
On a last note I now feel like spoiling about something, as GenMDM is a wonderful concept, it is not open source so I cannot tweak anything myself nor anybody else and needs an actual console to work...
So I am working with somebody on an open hardware dual YM2612/YM3438 module 100% compatible with FMDrive, so far the module is already made and working... We will work on the software side for some time until it will be OK, then choose a way to spread that things around. So the open hardware concept will basically provide any platform a way to control the FM chips.
I won't talk about this anymore now, don't ask questions, but keep in minds it will come...
I hope this situation will be solved at some point so as people can make positive Genesis things again.
9 Apr 29, 2014 9:19 pm
Re: Yamaha FB-01 (YM2164 FM!) Sound editor released (81 replies, posted in Other Hardware)
I am indeed planning OSX support for ALL my VST next year
Things are moving slow but things are moving ahaha
10 Apr 29, 2014 6:46 pm
Re: Yamaha FB-01 (YM2164 FM!) Sound editor released (81 replies, posted in Other Hardware)
I plan to make a VST to control the FB01 >> OPMX VST, I talked about it a bit in Feb on Twitter https://twitter.com/alyjamestwitt/statu
I have a rough working sketch for now, the main thing is to convert incoming CC# to correct Sysx.
I am currently pretty busy with my Linndrum VST and also working on an open source YM2612 / YM3438 Hardware module compatible with my FMDrive & SPSG VST....( YM2612 & SN76489 PSG)
So I cannot give a precise date for this, but this will come
11 Mar 26, 2014 11:46 am
Re: SEGA VST FMDRIVE YM2612 GENESIS FM SYNTH (VGM conversion soon) (121 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)
FMDrive VST + SPSG VST demo playlist updated
13 Mar 19, 2014 3:04 am
Re: Best Software (Tracker, Plugin, or otherwise) for GBA+ (21 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)
But no one has said much about SNES or N64 stuff... Is there anything related to that available?
SNES ?, THIS! >> SPC700 Vsti
An accurate Japanese freebie called C700
Accurate BRR encoding / decoding
Accurate LOOP point setting...
FIR filter delay emulation
LOADS samples from SPC files or encode / play your own...etc
Really cool and accurate SNES sound chip emu!
SPC archive >> http://snesmusic.org/v2/select.php?view
On the other hand If you need something more raw and crunchy like playing samples on the volume register of a PSG chip ( particular 4bit logarithmic scale)
or even raw 1bit PWM, my SuperPSG VST (win) can do that.
If you need to make some crazy sounds there is also an YM / AY (Atari ST) emulated hardware envelope you can mess with!
It is like having the Sega Master System Chip with the Atari ST MusicMon features...(, SID voice, Buzzers, Sync effect etc...) even wavetables are possible!
The concept was to reproduce perfectly the Master System Chip and push the limit of what have been done in the past with it.
Every parameters are also automatable in your DAW of choice in real time.
Needless to say that all of this has been tested on real hardware and works.
Chip for cheap
check for SuperPSG (all the infos you may want are in the manual) >> http://www.alyjameslab.com
thread here >> http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/12578
Still, I need to find the time to make more demos of the special features!
14 Mar 3, 2014 4:21 pm
Re: [SEGA MD / GEN] GenMDM SEGA Genesis / Mega Drive MIDI Interface (1,383 replies, posted in Sega)
Spotted your thread on this and DLed all ready. Looks useful and fun. It works best in a emu; to save the TFI patches? Just a single channel at a time?
(updated) It should displays almost fine now of every hardware model
yep, it only gives you the ability to test some preset on channel 1.
If you want to save, you will indeed need to load it in an emulator with FM voice dumping ability, most of them got that
15 Mar 3, 2014 3:05 pm
Re: Game Gear Music Tracker Applications - Need some help here... (15 replies, posted in Sega)
talking about PSG sound tricks...Listen to this vgm extract >> http://www.alyjameslab.com/tempdata/midi_export2.vgz
Only one normal PSG tone channel in use
16 Mar 3, 2014 2:40 pm
Topic: SEGA GENESIS (FM & PSG) 55mins Showcase Playlists (1 replies, posted in Releases)
Mostly FM https://soundcloud.com/alyjameslab/sets/fmdrive-vsti
PSG related https://soundcloud.com/alyjameslab/sets/super-psg-vsti
Bunch of demos in different styles (not mastered)
From old to recently made.
All done with FMDrive & SPSG VST (hardware rec & vgm provided on some tracks)