(49 replies, posted in Trading Post)

These are really nice, I can totally understand the pricing, people tend to think that none of this is any work at all, and folks should sell their work at cost because it's fun to do. The skills and care required to mod gameboys well should not be underestimated. I wouldn't pay an amateur to re-wire my house, and the same principle applies.

Keep it up.

Hey, I'm the guy who did the videos smile,

Contrary to above - The console DOES work with a link cable + Arduinoboy, I've done a new video to demonstrate it sending midi pulses, and I've had it linked up as a slave to a TR-505.

You can clock mod these with the ltc1799 chip, the clock is at the top, behind the built in games daughter-board. (basically the inside of a cart, but reduced size, mapped to the cartridge-bay terminals via little traces.)

The link cable I have only works in one direction however, I'm not sure if this is usual, i'm too old for Pokemans. It's a third party GBC/DMG cable.

I have the Chinese seller's details if anyone is interested, you can contact me through Youtube (I'm not on here that much), I believe he has around 20 of these left.

Yes please.


(9 replies, posted in Circuit Bending)

There's a chapter in Nic Collin's book "Handmade Electronic music" which covers all this very well. You can use a 555 to drive the clock input of a 4017, and then feed the outputs of the 4017, either directly to one chip (playing a tune), or to inputs on drum sound modules. If you are lucky enough to find a cheap drum toy, who's pads trigger from +V, then you can connect to these + Voila! Cheap 8-step beats.


(6 replies, posted in Circuit Bending)

I'm bending up a PT-100 right now. I've only just joined this forum, am I allowed to post pictures and stuff? So far, I've installed an LTC1799 oscillator for the pitch, and found three resistors which overdrive the drums and lead sounds when replaced with 50k pots (linear).

Let me know if you want pictures and wiring diagrams, will be happy to provide.


Should be on TV.