kineticturtle wrote:

The cover art alone makes me want to get involved but I just plain don't have the time this week. sad

awww maaaan! i've already got you started with those drum samples i posted before! i finished my track in less than an hour, though my standards may be different from yours. would some heart's make a difference?

heart heart heart heart heart

we've got five artists so far- not bad! anyone else interested??? i've got the bandcamp release page all designed and ready! it's awesome!

herr_prof wrote:

If you want to make wavetables for piggy: … dwavetable

Is pretty handy

thanks for this link- i will use this

some drum samples i made with sounds from the site, if anyone wants to use them for their track smile


(5 replies, posted in Releases)

it's a nice look smile and good music too!


oh my god


we are VERY lucky to have art by KeFF for our cover! check opening post for the "stockmosh" image that will be the album cover!

kineticturtle wrote:

That was a joke, most music programs default to 120BPM.

in that case, writing a 120bpm song for this collab will take you THAT much less time, right!?

in other news, egr is in! yayyyyy!
i edited in a list of those contributing in the OP. check out the OP in a sec because i am about to add the regs for sound formats/etc!

the list of participating artists is growing! or should i say, the list of pioneers blazing the path to a new frontier of pleasantly forgettable music is growing! don't miss this opportunity to carve your proverbial "D. Boone Cilled a Bar" into the tree by the path of progress!

good point, idk if you're up to the challenge.. if there is a waterfall nearby it might be a good idea to train under it because participating in this collab will require virtually all the physical, emotional, spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical energy in your body. only with complete focus can one produce a track passive enough to be labeled stockwave.

but little-scale, i believe in you. you need to believe in stockwave.

Zef wrote:

Are you sure we can't use this site instead?

for the sake of the collab let's just stick with the above mentioned site- you in!?

kineticturtle wrote:

120bpm and C major, right?

if the goal of the track is to uplift rather than relax, 120 is better than the 60-80 range i gave before!
kineticturtle, you should write a contribution! with a name like "Uplifting Forest" or something like that!

ah i see- well, if you're asking
bpm 60-80 (this is not a requirement, but is considered the most relaxing bpm range)
key sig is up to you smile

you in, jeff? stockwave would be privileged to have you.

edit: double post

jefftheworld wrote:

Are there any stock settings you recommend for this?

hmm, i'm not sure i know what you mean- explain?