Why is this still going on
that actually has a nice ring to it- you cold be WITSGO for short!!!
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ChipMusic.org / Forums / Posts by defPREMIUM
Why is this still going on
that actually has a nice ring to it- you cold be WITSGO for short!!!
hmm i can't get it to work.. maybe my spotify is not working right. an easier way to stream perhaps?
sketchman3 i like ur neu avatar
it has never failed the one time i tried it just then
take my advice on page 3
'marilyn's mansion' is kinda sick actually, the rest of those are kind of lameee tho!
this thread is a happy turn of events!
yea and his middle initial is & so it all makes sense if you take everything into acct
take two of your fav things and then think of the opposite of them and then make an anagram of those two words mashed together
so say you like soup and mountains
so the opposite of those two would be sandwichvalley
plug that into an anagram generator and you get
f yes amiright
hmm i don't know of any free ones either. pixitracker is basically a simplified sunvox and only cost $1.99 on itunes
..that one's actually kind of good
thunder pears
ChipMusic.org / Forums / Posts by defPREMIUM