word- thanks for the reply! i think that quote is on point and definitely along the lines of what i was thinking.

yo this will probably be a  tl;dr  post for most people and that is fine- i mostly wanted to write this out so that it was out there and i could stop thinking about writing it out wink hopefully some on this site will find it at least an interesting read.

this is an abridged excerpt from an essay by one of my heroes, named ahad ha'am (in no way is he related to chip music or music in general- he was a jewish writer and founder of cultural zionism). it is titled "sacred and profane" and is about why the jews have maintained the practice of writing the torah on parchment scrolls rather than ditching the practice and switching to books altogether. in many ways what he writes about the "sacred" nature of the parchment medium is similar to how i feel about the mediums utilized in chip music. anyways yea give it read

     Between things sacred and profane there is this difference among others.  In profane matters the instrument derives its worth from the end, and is valued for the most part only in so far as it is a means to that end; and consequently we change instruments as the end demands, and finally, when the end is no longer pursued, the instruments automatically fall into disuse.  But in sacred matters the end invests the instrument with a sanctity of its own.  Consequently there is no changing or varying of the instruments; and when the end has ceased to be pursued, the instrument does not fall out of use, but is directed towards another end.

     In other words: in one case we preserve the shell for the sake of the kernel, and discard the shell when we have eaten the kernel; and in the other case we raise the shell to the dignity of the kernel, and do not rob it of that dignity even if the kernel withers, but make a new kernel for it.


     Laugh who will at this zealous regard for the shell: the history of those who have treasured the kernel will give him pause.

so in my mind the mediums used in chipmusic are represented by the shell in this analogy, where that which comes after music is created, be it success or something else, is represented by the kernel.. does that make sense??

wait crap

br1ght pr1mate

Apeshit wrote:

So they're not philips screws? Then I guess it's a recycled case. I'm curious about the PCB.

yea he used the case from nintendo golf!

i'm lacking the proper tools to open mine- but my best guess is


i received in the mail today my copy (16/30) of alex mauer's homebrew vegavox ii nes cart! i have played it through a couple of times on my nes and it is already one of my treasured possessions.. last i checked there are only *7* remaining on his bandcamp and i just wanted to get the word out for people to SNATCH THESE UP before they're all gone. he has said that these are probably the last of their kind so don't miss this!



Fraktal Face wrote:

good fer u buddy.


i hope it is clear that not a single response of mine to you was in any way serious. i was more trying to expedite the impending locking of the other thread because it was completely ridiculous. heart

Fraktal Face wrote:
TSC wrote:

If I can break an Amiga and scream whiny things in front of more people than I did at Blip '11, sure, I'll gladly do it in Alaska.

Speaking of which, does anyone know what happened to that Amiga dude ran off with after my set? That was pretty fucking hardcore.

Why aren't those files online yet?

Finally, someone with a sense of humor. That sux someone stole your amiga. We actually rode in the back of a cab together during Blip 11.

OMG!!!!!! ru saying i'm not funny?!?!?!


on it! i have been listening btw. i am liking it so far. i can imagine it would be awesome to witness live.

Fraktal Face wrote:

will you play in alaska, scream whiny things, and break your amiga over avielbrown's head?

this is the last straw!!!!!!! on a scale of one and ten i am so mad!!!

hey fraktalface i'm so mad at you!!!!!!!

tehehe ok

the more i listen to saskrotch the more i agree w a lot of the folks here in wanting to see him live..

Alley Beach wrote:

due for real just drop it gentlemen.
