(23 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

When using cc commands does anything on mGB change? ...is your volume turned up...?
Make sure you check the link cable lines to the GB


(23 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Where is the dot on the 6N138? Do you have it upside down? That looks so awesome by the way


(23 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Send a picture of what you're done so we can take a look at it


(23 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

i posted this a little while back, little more visual if you arent that electronically inclined

http://2playermusic.tumblr.com/post/703 … arduinoboy


(23 replies, posted in Releases)

Was this done with your master system midi interface? I thought I could hear a little ground hum in there.


(23 replies, posted in Releases)

Ugh that bass on Dragons part 1. So good! I MUST HAVE

Hahaha I want that to be your album cover

hah ya, i used mine for a bit then moved to making everything midi capable. the only part i thought was difficult was taking that protective rubber part off the outside of the metal connector

Ya have you heard that guys gameboy tracks before? Horrid. Simply awful wink

Finally! tongue I probably won't be participating at first. Got my own album in the works

Neither of those will work as they are. Swapping a pin is not that difficult and you'll know which wires are colored what, as that tends to change between cables.

Does anything happen (sound/volume wise) when you turn the volume knob?

You can borrow my ruler when you need to measure the distance between the wires. Don't want those electrons leaking out and spilling all over your gameboy

Please, go post this over there and you would have kids legit asking for tutorials

Ya but how do you add prosound?

Getlofi pitch mod is independent of either clock. Though if you use it with the underclock I think kinetics assumption that it will crash at halfway is right, maybe even before that. Anyways, with two on/off switches you would run the crystals in parallel, but you would always have to turn one off and turn the other on. Not too sure what would happen if you just put the half clock in parallel with the regular and leave the regular on the board. Electricity would find the path of least resistance though which would likely be the original clock and your underclock wouldn't do anything. Go scrap up the change in your sofa and get an on/on switch.