dude, just become friends on facebook with the people you talk to here...its great that its win-win as far as frostbyte & lazerbeat's concerns, but that solution doesn't really address all the concerns...we have always allowed some amount of off topic (along the lines of what lazerbeat wants to have in an off topic section) in general discussion when it comes to people discussing film/tv/video games/world events and in some ways its best to just leave it that way since a section for off topic encourages people to post troll threads, count as high as you can threads, etc... i mean fuck, we even left the eurovision thread going...

you really think shit in off topic wouldnt spill over into the rest of the forum? no way we'd open an unmoderated area on the site

though its also a shitload more work for the staff and not something the site actually needs


(22 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

assuming you mean in lsdj, moving to the correct section


(72 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Saskrotch wrote:

Because 1) the mods already know. trust me. The mods use this site just like the rest of us, and they get annoyed by annoying as fuck posters just like the rest of us. The users might have already gotten warnings for all we know. But then again, I'm a dick on here (albeit, with a purpose) and no one's warned me.

actually its worth reporting, never assume we already know a user is a problem... youd be surprised how rarely someone gets reported and our staff is a pretty small group of relatively busy people so i highly doubt any of us read every post at this point... if i did, id probably hate almost all of you by now...

when it comes to off topic sections, i'm opposed...i remember it having a negative effect on 8bc back when we first made one over there.. we already allow some off topic stuff in the forums (threads about movies and video games often are safe enough), but straight out having a section for it leads to some just plain stupid stuff and makes it harder to find important troubleshooting threads and things like that

sorry james, but we're probably always going to close most troll threads...you may want more posts, but i only want more posts if they offer something of value and troll threads rarely lead to anything besides a bunch of people being all pissed off at their keyboards typing idiocies that i then have to read... i get that you may like watching train wrecks for comedic value, but thats not what the site is for


(28 replies, posted in Collaborations)

i think you had enough fun making fun of excessive comps, right? closing


(240 replies, posted in General Discussion)

yeah, that one work ok for everyone? wink


(240 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Telerophon wrote:

Oh god how did I not read this thread until now, I didn't realize this was a total smackdown fight night pay-per-view event.

(I didn't read it because the thread title sounds absolutely dumb. "Less Flavor in Food?" "Less Stimulation in Sex?" "Less Words in Literature?")

yeah, but given his first post, what would you have renamed it to? if we can pick a better name, ill change it again


(85 replies, posted in General Discussion)

pretty sure he's not dead... haven't tried calling him in a while since he stopped answering/returning calls from people he knows through music...Low-gain said Dise is still working at a place called Badger Brew in the same town he's lived in for years


(15 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

ant1 wrote:

alec empire "we punk einheit"

thats the nintendo teenage robots release mentioned in the first post


(240 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Auxcide wrote:
spacetownsavior wrote:

guys he stopped posting like 4 pages ago


yeah, 10 whole hours ago

haha, sok to start a lot of release threads if the label is releasing a lot wink


(240 replies, posted in General Discussion)

after reading all the new posts, i have even less idea what this guy really wants in music than i did yesterday...

SKGB wrote:
shitbird wrote:

*annoyed nerd voice* actually i used nanoloop  nyaaaaaaa!! tongue

*annoyed nerd voice* well ACTUALLY i was talking about the DAPANTZ release. JEEZE

yo shtuff is awesome too, and i have no idea how you do the melodic tings you do with nanoloops

yeah, tbh makes me think this single thread for all datathrash releases may not be the best idea...going to be a lot of confusing shit in the thread after another release or two yikes