(109 replies, posted in General Discussion)

you do realize that was meant as a warning, not an invitation to debate. if you click on the "view forum moderators" link at the bottom of the page, you'll see that i have rejoined the staff. leave your persecution complex for your twitter feed, no one here is discriminating against you, they're just calling you out on your faulty logic


(109 replies, posted in General Discussion)

yeah, but what he's saying is that even while it has happened, the majority of the stolen tracks have been written by a very small percentage of the scene....odds of you finding yourself a victim of chip theft is somewhere in the neighborhood of the odds of dying in a car accident...and you don't see most people avoiding cars and buses as a result


(109 replies, posted in General Discussion)

spacetownsavior wrote:

I'm honestly surprised you haven't been banned yet considering your shitty attitude toward everyone here

that's still a possibility in the future should he continue making personal attacks, gay jokes, etc...
keep things civil please

SuperBustySamuraiMonkey wrote:
The Laohu wrote:

Couldn't we just keep it simple and call it Dark Chip?

85% of chipthrash is far from dark

100% of exgoths agree

which is part of my point, most of what i've heard that was called chipthrash sounded like it took more inspiration from Jimmy Eat World than from Black Sabbath... lumping all that music together really doesn't make much sense

its never too late to change the words we use to describe things, especially something like music or art.. most of my favorite darker chip stuff is by artists who started years before anyone used the term chipthrash, so lumping them into that doesn't make sense... baseck, stagediver, 8cylinder, sil req, etc
its also ignoring the very real diversity of styles among people making chip music thats of the more evil-sounding variety by using one term for all of it

though it sort of is.. darker angrier stuff has been part of the scene from the start, long before anyone decided to call anything chipthrash so there's no need to use that as a name for.. well, what exactly do people consider chipthrash at this point? we can talk about evil darker sounding stuff without using that term

maybe, but when you make a name for a music genre that contains the name of another music genre, it should probably be related... if someone made music they were calling "chip-pop" and it sounded nothing like pop music, that would be confusing and misleading

i don't know how to respond to this thread since i've never liked the term chipthrash. mostly because very little of it sounds much like thrash metal to me


(16 replies, posted in General Discussion)

and now i've rejoined the staff here, mostly so i can move threads into the sections they should have been posted in in the first place (just spent the last 2 hours moving threads to the nintendo handhelds section)

merged all other posts with other twitter user thread
closing this thread, making the other one a sticky


(33 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

sucks that you've had the plugs fail, mine have held up well, but i'm very gentle on pretty much all gear.... really, anything in their HD line sounds very good, even the lower end models....


(33 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

can't go wrong with sennheiser, even some of their sub $80 models are pretty good, flat frequency response & very clear

i think black matches more gear, but it all depends on what your other equipment is


(108 replies, posted in General Discussion)

what's with insulting everyone who disagrees with you? also, you know you can upload music to places like soundcloud, youtube & bandcamp if you think posting tracks here is somehow too risky


(108 replies, posted in General Discussion)

JaffaCakeMexica wrote:
spacetownsavior wrote:

the smugness with which you talk makes me think that you're like quoting straight from wikipedia OH WAIT

Yes. I was quoting like straight from wikipedia.
So unless wikipedia is wrong I have provided evidence that protodome is incorrect.

But fair enough, because you still schooled me on accidentals a little bit. I didnt use the term correctly as I dont read sheet music. Also, I dont play piano or keyboard.

"like honestly sir you have a lot of learning to do if you're going to make value judgments on music based only on the key they're written in"

I didnt dislike those songs simply because they sounded so Major. I also disliked them because they sounded like prissy pseudo-gay teen pop bullshit. Y'all think your so l33t but when I actually listen to the songs, it aint exactly spanking modernity on a platter. hush.

(but I still liked "saving the shy librarian").

just curious, but where are YOUR songs? you haven't got anything uploaded to the site and no webpage or anything in your bio

Starshine wrote:

What was the banner message in question?

anyone who really wants to know can check the twitter for the tweet before this one... @chip_music