ok, fine... on topic..
so many good things that i can't really choose one favorite, but the Hexawe All-stars gig the day after blip 11 is definitely up there...
en cowell, me, bleo, bud melvin, matt nida, flashheart, rhinostrich & xc3n with visuals by diy_destruction (then invaderbacca) and emdash

herr_prof wrote:

This thread is starting to reveal the true chipscene history.

feryl did 9/11

the plot thickens...

XyNo wrote:

At Toy Company fest 2 in Montreal, I was with jefftheworld and I was leaving the greenroom to see the show and a drunk guy entered out of nowhere at the same time and piss in the trashcan of the greenroom...after that everybody was thinking I was the one who did that...
I passed for an idiot but it was awesome ! tongue

i didn't even know the greenroom was there until the second night, so i spent that first night in the vj booth

katsumbhong wrote:
egr wrote:

Also that amazing post from a victim of TV Death Squad that let us know he got HIV and went to jail and thanking us for hating him. heart

He actually posted about it?

I remember reading news of him, but didn't know he posted about it.

tv death squad didn't post, one of the women he slept with after he knew he had HIV and didn't inform her of the risk did
tv death squad was clearly one of the worst people to ever come into contact with the scene


(6 replies, posted in Releases)

wait, there are songs on this site? wink


(11 replies, posted in Releases)

i did very little besides write the blurb and upload to bandcamp, so im not really deserving of any thanks wink
all the real work was SuperBustySamuraiMonkey

and it's out


(11 replies, posted in Releases)

In December 2015, the four of us who ran Datathrash (Arnie/Abandoned on Fire, Chad/Optimus Chad, Kevin/d_strct/e.s.c., & Michael/Nestrogen) decided after some discussion that the label had run it's course and it was time to shut things down so we could all focus on our own projects. We knew some people would miss the label, but we were a little surprised by exactly how many people we had touched with the label and who reached out to us with farewell messages even going to the point where a group of artists simply wouldn't let us go out quietly and took it upon themselves to organize a compilation in memoriam of Datathrash. Thanks to SuperBustySamuraiMonkey for organizing this compilation of tracks and to all the artists who contributed, we are happy to now share them all with you. All good things must end someday, and we're truly honored to know that our work was appreciated by so many people. Thanks for making sure that the spirit of Datathrash can live on through music, even though the label itself has ended. Keep music evil. - Kevin

download here

SketchMan3 wrote:

I don't think it's possible to seperate end result from method in most art., unfortunately. Is running a photograph through a photoshop oil paint filter comparable to a Goya if it looks nearly identical to something he would have painted?.

if you can use photoshop well enough that it actually looks identical to a goya painting, then i'd think most people would see both as being roughly equivalent, yes
and it would take far more than just one photoshop filter to come close to that, someone would likely have to make their own custom filter or know a lot about the way photoshop works to combine numerous existing filters, layering techniques, level and color adjustments, etc to get the end result...
but that's just me speaking as someone who has used photoshop professionally for over a decade wink
does someone using photoshop somehow reduce the value of whatever someone produces in your mind? that's weird

i think you missed my point.. what i was getting at is that its the results that matter, not the methods used so dwelling on if something is or isn't "pure chipmusic" is entirely irrelevant in that context

or tomorrow... still waiting on some info smile


(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)

this should have been posted in the "releases" section

should be out tonight, tracks are all ready to go, just waiting on some final info

spacetownsavior wrote:

but I ended up in this weird area where I don't feel like I'm "chiptune" anymore, and coming back on this forum to hear people talking about "pure" chiptune and how it's sacrilegious to pander to audiences with square waves kind of confirmed it for me

i'd say those people talking about that are the vocal minority in this case... most people who've been in this scene for any length of time consider any argument about purity to be silly and really missing the point of making music as an artistic statement

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