12ianma wrote:
e.s.c. wrote:

reported it for being in the wrong section and semi pleaded for it to be closed because I knew this would happen.

you report a lot I'm guessing

you need to learn how to use the quote function, stargazer said that, i quoted him

i'm really not concerned in any way about your opinion of me, based on your behavior. there are a fair number of members of the chip community who are gay/lesbian/bi/transgender and they're nice people, unlike you.. so i'd rather offend you if it means you can stop using words that some of them have had thrown at them hatefully for years just because you're immature enough to think its funny to laugh about

stargazer wrote:

Not to mention he didn't even take 1 minute to figure out which section to post his sale in. I saw it, reported it for being in the wrong section and semi pleaded for it to be closed because I knew this would happen. Well not THIS, I never thought it would be 4 threads later and still this.

I think part of the problem is that due to other HUGE sites (like reddit and 4chan) people are mistaken and think that cm.o is huge as well. Truth is there's maybe 100 regular users here, with only about another 100 irregular users. You have to treat this more like a bunch of mutual friends hanging out than a spotlight talent show. Just think, if you went to a party with some people how weird would it be to pause the music grab the mic and do your "what's up guys I'm teh penguin of doom, I know I'm new here but I have a lot of potential to be a really cool guy" type of intro. No! You come in, try to get in on a conversation and drop a line or two when you have something to say. Eventually people will remember you and enjoy you. Why is this such a foreign concept online?

well put, though your exact numbers are probably about half of what it really is...but yeah, 200-500 people probably post each month, not a ton

not using words that are negative/derogatory towards people based on race/ethnicity/sexuality/etc would help too.

who the fuck is alex jones?

this is a (mostly) serious website, might help to remember that.. if its not for you, no one is stopping you from making your own website where you can drop as much hate speech as you want

i dont remmber having anything to do with you making that idiotic thread, that shit is all on you
you made a thread that violated site rules, one of the admins handled it, now youre complaining about it
i dont see me in that equation at all

i just make assholes feel unwelcome, so no
edit: also, you should realize the rules were strictly against use of that language and used it anyway. complaining that it got removed is as silly as taking a shower then being upset that you're wet

12ianma wrote:
e.s.c. wrote:

there wasnt really anything funny in that post, might be time you consider becoming a slightly more mature human being


Everyone dies, don't take life srs.

You weren't joking about death, you were using a not so kind term for homosexuals as part of a stupid joke thread about slugs for some moronic reason. Maybe you shouldn't say things that might make people feel unwelcome here, then you'd feel more welcome here yourself.

yeah, was always great to find out that (name withheld) had overturned a ban on a whim

there wasnt really anything funny in that post, might be time you consider becoming a slightly more mature human being


bitjacker wrote:

why cant there be a spot on forums that mods cant edit or close... then like have a disclaimer. it would be like mad max

well, when trash and everyone got together to make this site, we all agreed on a no-nonsense, content high approach since we were all sick of what had happened to 8bc (now moderating that site was fucking awful)

bitjacker wrote:

where are all of them? i see nitro kitsch and infradead.... seems like a hell of a workload for 3 people. (theres only 8 people on here?)

those would be the three who are actively moderating these days... the bottom of every page on this site has a link to view the full list of staff... the reason so many are inactive is that generally, one doesn't quit staff on the site (think its only been me and low-gain who have), just does more or less work depending on what they feel up to at the time.. and if you look at that list, you can understand how those individuals might be a little busy

MaxDolensky wrote:

Your first problem is the title - assuming that mods over-patrol these forums. Personally, I see a massive lack of moderation relative to how many moderators we have (though most aren't active).

think only 3 of the 15 still actively mod the forums

well if the next mozart is a bigoted asshole with no ability to behave decently on a public forum, i dont need to know him or her..
id rather they go fuck off and keep any members who they may drive off with their behavior