Never heard of tasting before..

I get an image of colors in my mind when I hear things. Like 'that sounds blue' or 'thats green'. I think i like chip so much because arps are like crazy rainbows in my mind.


(25 replies, posted in Releases)

You deserve it! It made me want to seek out other SNES musicians, totally hit a nostalgic sweet spot!

Lazerbeat wrote:
BeatScribe wrote:

Heh, cool, I just did an article about FM albums.

Really? Link!

here it is



(135 replies, posted in Trading Post)

obligatory "PM'd" note


(25 replies, posted in Releases)

heh! I was listening to your track on Chiptune = Win Vol 2 when I opened this. Love that you are using SNES sounds, it's an often underestimated source...


(1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)

My live setup only has 1 channel and some okay speakers, usually I just play one tune most of the night, but I make a lot of money off merchandise …


(36 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

VOPM Sega Genesis Yamaha YM2151 Emulator VSTi. You can even get the presets for most sega games from 2621 org:


(4 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

I'm often switching between my headphones plugged into Gameboy, Headphones plugged into iPad and headphones plugged into my computer and my monitors…It's a tangle of cords and just annoying overall.

I tried searching around and aside from a pro studio rack, I was wondering if there is any sort of device that would allow me to plug in my various inputs and then have my headphones / monitors as the out (even if it was just 1 out for headphones I could live with it) and then I can just push a button to route the audio from gameboy or computer or iPad into the headphones?

Maybe i'm just not searching for the right thing…maybe I'm just lazy about plugging and unplugging things...

Heh, cool, I just did an article about FM albums.


(15 replies, posted in General Discussion)

anything…so far freezedream=new favorite anything i have!


(25 replies, posted in General Discussion)

chunter wrote:

John Cage has a quote about doing something repeatedly until you don't find it boring anymore. A teacher of mine warned that looping on the sequencer is like this, so it is better to record to tape or write on paper than to hear things repeating until you think your riff is good just because you don't remember what anything else sounds like.

I agree on that. I try to write songs devoid of any instrument or tool, just recording myself humming / beatboxing the idea. It frees you from getting stuck with a sample or melody or chord progression that might just be 'what you know'. Then you can go back and say, how do I make that mouth-wobble sound I made in my scratch recording..instead of settling on the sounds first. Also, if you think your song needs a change or chord shift, a great thing to do is listen up to the place where the change would go and then hum what you think would come next. I find this sometimes takes my songs in unexpected directions that still sound like part of the same song.

On the subject of John Cage, I'm making a chiptune remix of 4'33!!!


(25 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Jellica wrote:

when i listen to the same song over and over on a loop changing bits adding bits for hours/days i start to lose all concept of whether is is good or bad.
its nice to share it with irl friends or wait a week before carrying on

Either I have this same issue, or I whip out the whole song in 2 exhausting hours where I forget to even relax my arm muscles and I know its a good song…it's like 50%  / 50% , I never know which way its going to be..



(15 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Nice. I'm already your biggest fan for your rock stuff smile I've done some fiddling with VOPM to kind of mock up the Genesis sound, but I'm wondering if there are more musicians who have made it the cornerstone of their sound. It's such a nostalgic set of tones for me, even more so than 8-bit!


(15 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Anyone know of some groups/artists who use mostly Sega Genesis chip sounds? It seems to be few and far between who are utilizing these (the Flight Away is the only really really awesome one I'm aware of). Anyone else have recommendations?