Hey guys,
When I did the Rubicon soundtrack I got some awesome remixes done by Sleeptimejesse and inverse phase. It really added some variety to the album. I'd like to extend the offer to do some remixes of my next OST to any who may be interested. I will give a % of the sales to all who contribute remixes, PM me for details on how I divide it up. 

Since these are commissioned works I already got paid for and it's just kind of a added bonus/publicity for my client, don't expect like huge amounts of money since it will be pay what you want on band camp. This is more a chance to just remix something and get it out there. Take it or leave it really.

Here's a roughly mixed preview of about half the tracks in the upcoming game (which I can't reveal details on at this time).


For technical side, there are full MIDIs of every song, and I will provide any stems of the instruments I made for the originals that you'd like. The tracks are mostly done using Plogue chip sounds with a few pads from Massive and various other sources. Its sort of like 'chip as a lead instrument' with some more modern sounds backing it up.


https://www.dropbox.com/s/e1jgzc7th3hrp … s.zip?dl=0

Inside you will find folders with:

album rough draft - not fully mastered version of the original tracks so you can hear how the pieces go together
folder for each track - some of the drum stems are just 1 stem with all the drums, if you really need them separated, I can do that.
each folder contains a midi, the bpm for the song's stems is in the title of the track.

When you are ready to submit, send me a dropbox link to [email protected] (yes there is supposed to be an S)

most of the songs are in the same key intentionally, and there are some recurring themes, especially in the last level (lava) which has a sort of minor scale of the level 1 theme mixed with section of the lab theme's melody.


(7 replies, posted in Releases)

Nice! I did the Robo Hero OST (my first one) completely on an iPod touch. There are some legit tools out there.


(23 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

It was an interesting read...thats about all I can say. I did find it to be one of the darkest games on the gameboy. Sometimes I just had to stop playing it for a few days. I started to feel like I was in a dusty tunnel all the time, and then the real world was garishly bright after a few hours on the gameboy. The silence made the moments when you encounter a metroid and the music goes crazy even more intense. I mentioned some of the oddities in my article about strangest game songs ever:

https://beatscribe.wordpress.com/2013/0 … -all-time/

Sambo wrote:


Thanks for the feedback, I'm half deaf in one ear at the moment due to an infection so I thought I might have been way off haha.  Any chance of a link to that blog?  I'd love to see more detailed usage of the Gameboys wave channel.
Good shout on the chipcrusher effect as well, from what I recall this actually contains speaker impulses of the various Gameboy consoles doesn't it?  I've been using some freeware impulse modelling plug in I found online with small speaker responses and not getting close, I'll see f I have the pennies spare for Chipcrusher tonight after work and give it a bash.

Various things on www.beatscribe.com, but these are the most plogue related..

https://beatscribe.wordpress.com/2015/0 … explained/
https://beatscribe.wordpress.com/2013/0 … hipsounds/
https://beatscribe.wordpress.com/2014/1 … hipsounds/

It's geared towards making NES sounds, but the Gameboy sounds works the same, you just have more things you can change in the wave table, like cutoff and stuff like that.

I will try to get a tutorial of that up soon.


Judging by the back pic looks like one of those early Tiger electronics 90s pocket/watch games where the entire screen is filled with images that just turn on and off. I remember there was actually a pretty decent super mario and megaman one of those from Tiger Electronics. The megaman one even had specific level-bosses.

I'm not sure there's much you can do to dirty it up a little bit. Maybe (and I haven't tried this) since chip sounds lets you modify the pulse width at a finite level, some slight widening of it could cause more overlap between the two pulses..but I doubt it'd give you enough overlap without changing the sound of the notes (which you nailed spot on!)

Perhaps a finite distortion or bit crush would just add a touch of buzz to it, but I'm not sure how natural that would sound either.

All in all, you nailed the gameboy sound there. I'm working on a tutorial for gameboy wav table settings in plogue to get some of those really wild wave sounds you can make so easily in lsdj. There are some other plogue tutorials on my blog already.

TylerBarnes wrote:
BeatScribe wrote:

Might want to check your link, that's a tumblr login page.

Pretty sure you need a tumblr account to view his link. Kinda like what Facebook does.

my bad, you're right smile

Might want to check your link, that's a tumblr login page.

Just had to buy this! I love how unabashedly happy it is too, no pretense, just good fun stuff.

KungFuFurby wrote:

I'm going obscure, but it might get the job done.

Try J.League '96 Dream Stadium. I've got an example .spc file containing the sample:


Or, you can try this .spc file from Nomark Baku Haitou:


Thanks! I will dig into those later today and see what I can get!!

I am the sun wrote:

Hey man, if possible can you upload a .rar with the SNES samples you've got so far?

No need, you can get some great sf2's to start with here:


I recommend Plogue Sforzando to play them. It's free, and works great with these formats, better than most of the native SF players in the DAWS I've tried.

Then, download Polyphone to edit and modify them. I've made some custom envelopes to change how some of them sound, but my project is still mainly gonna be, use sounds from existing games in new and different ways.

tempsoundsolutions wrote:


I can't barely find a youtube video of Skitchin for SNES...was there a SNES one?

My mind went to shadow's theme too, but it was more of a jew harp kind of thing with acoustic notes. I think the mario rpg clean guitar is gonna be the one, i'm gonna change it's envelope a little to make it less clicky and muted.

thanks for the advice all!!

yeah , i actually did make my own already, but i kind of wanted to use sounds from games. the closest I found was one from Mario RPG...

I thought it'd be cool to do an entire album using only found sounds from games, using them in very unconventional ways (i.e. donkey kong and kirby sounds in a very dark piece)

Hey everyone,
I'm delving into ripping sounds for SNES Roms and there is one sound that has eluded me thus far. Can anyone think of an SNES game song that has a twangy, undistorted, chorused guitar sound? think, like intro to a Western movie or like 80s rock soft parts. I have found lots of plucky jazz guitar sounds and lots of rock guitar, but I just want something a little calmer that isn't acoustic. Any thoughts, leads?

I'm liking it. That album cover, lol..it's like a kid's room in every 1980's advertisement and movie. I like the upbeat flavor of these tracks. Despite not eq'ing anything, it sounds great on my monitors and there are no annoying heavy or high notes. Really well done. I like the variety too, the slow tracks are really nice.