(14 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Oh nice, thanks for that DSC.
I've only soldered a couple of things in my life, so I'll have to do a bit of research regarding a few of those terms in your message, should do the trick though!

Edit after google: Ok so, in other words, buy a 470uf capacitor, solder it between 5V and GND, (i'll have to find out where that is when I get home from work). Cheers!


(14 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Well that's the thing, Silph - we don't really need the crappy speaker so it doesn't matter all that much, which is good.
And DogTag, the backlight I had in there originally was fine, no buzz, then I replaced it with another one, didn't like the colour, so put the original one back in there - then the buzz started. Maybe the DMG didn't like the second backlight.


(14 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Interesting, so it's fairly wide-spread then. I mean, it's not a huge problem or anything, providing you have a prosound DMG somewhere for recording, but I was just curious.


(14 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

But I'd already installed a backlight a while back without any buzzing noises appearing....

Just changed out my backlight, put it all back together and now the DMG's speaker has a constant hum/buzz. Not noticeable while playing music or when using headphones. Probably a rookie mistake, if anyone has a clue on what went wrong, I'd appreciate it.


(16 replies, posted in Releases)

Man, I just came here to post this.
I've bought every one of your EPs, they're extremely inspiring - you've really found your own sound inside the chipmusic arena (even without the use of other synths or instruments!).
Thanks for the music!


(7 replies, posted in Releases)

I'll give all of my buffs, just to hear love speak the truth to me.

dosPrompt wrote:

It was a small show, but we got about 60 people in there (that said there were a lot of smokers outside!) so you probably played to more than you think! smile You should feel good about your set. The quality at this open mic was - I think - the best of the three we've done. Looking forward to future releases from everyone who played

Oh snap, that's awesome.

Victory Road wrote:

oh dude i thought those p command freakouts were part of the song, nifty!

Haha, nope, they were my primary gameboy restarting the previous track by accident. (They were my 'click-ins' so I can sync my the channels for recording, dammit!) Oh well, some people noticed, some didn't smile

I had the privilege of playing open mic at the pre-party for Square Sounds a couple of weeks ago. I was pretty nervous and made a few mistakes, but I had so much fun. Crowd of maybe around 30 or so people. I should have split the video into two chunks though, 7 min is a bit long!

dosPrompt wrote:

Not even kidding, already working on next year.

I'm excited already big_smile

But yeah, thanks so much for putting this on. I imagine so much work went into making this all happen and it was flawless!
I hope you guys made a bit of profit to go treat yourselves with!!

Derris-Kharlan wrote:

Best weekend ever.


Welcome guys, hope you enjoy it here smile


(1 replies, posted in Releases)


Nice little peppy EP featuring a few 'bit-pop' songs and then chiptune covers of said songs.
Nicely mixed and mastered. Very entertaining live, great crowd participation.
4 bucks.


(463 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

A tricky problem, yet I know you'll work it out at some point soon.
But before that time comes, we need to plan what sort of festivities are going to happen inside this thread.
Grilled cheese sandwiches all round.