You'll love it. Squaresounds is always killer.


(20 replies, posted in Motion Graphics)

Wow, this is fantastic.


(3 replies, posted in Releases)

Nice! I like it big_smile
Great melodies.
Also extra points for successfully playing instruments in a tshirt that looks like it could fit about 3 people in it.

Glad I could contribute something other than money to the cause.

I really liked that last paragraph in the article. Specifically this sentence:

"It made a lot of sense to me when I heard that Anamanaguchi were doing the soundtrack to the Scott Pilgrim game. In some regards, Scott Pilgrim has aims similar to what I described chipmusic as — it’s not a recollection of being a nerd, but rather a reimagining of what being a nerd is like."

Yup, great composition. Lovely basslines.
Don't be afraid to show your music smile

Also, feel free to post your inevitable .stl files, Kitsch heart

Nope, you can get home printers in the $300-500 range smile I have a soildoodle 2 which can print up to 6 x 6 x 6". It was about 600 bucks shipped and assembled.

The wood printing is kind of interesting: … vrkAWT8IBQ

You can even get filament for 3d printers now that allow you to print in wood. Could be something to look into.
Also, has anyone with a 3d printer modeled anything for a dmg? There's a half finished case model on thingiverse, etc.


(70 replies, posted in General Discussion)

roboctopus wrote:

I just want to look like your dad and have a kick drum that's louder than everyone else's.

I want this on a tshirt or something.


(10 replies, posted in Releases)

Yup, all-round-nice-guy-extraordinaire; Alex Lane.


(15 replies, posted in Releases)

I've had the intro to the first song from this album stuck in my head in a loop for a couple of days now. I think that's a good sign.


(15 replies, posted in Releases)

Dot.AY wrote:

Calavera .. They represent the depth of human emotion

Very cool.


(15 replies, posted in Releases)

Do the shapes represent things? I have to go deeper.

(Even still, that avatar when printed would be like a millimeter high, give or take. Although it might look cool if you had thousands and thousands of them and printed them with a decent printer).

Super excited for this.