(463 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Apeshit wrote:
thursdaycustoms wrote:

I wonder if the gauge of wire you're using for the cart connector is too thick though.. Seems like it could cause problems.

Nah...It'd only be too thick if he couldn't fit it through the pads. Thicker wires have less resistance. Typically you'll want things to be bigger rather than smaller in electronics. Wires, traces, components etc... For heat reasons, resistance and noise reduction, and other various reasons.

Like I said: I need to do some troubleshooting. I think the thicker wires were causing very small solder bridges. I'll balance it out, and get it working.

TheBronyChip wrote:

where did the cart slot come from?

I carefully cut it out and filed it flush and perfectly square... time consuming.


(15 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Alcohol: The cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems.


(15 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

1. Open it up
2. Clean EVERYTHING with isopropanol and a toothbrush
3. Allow everything to dry (which wont take long)
4. Slap that pig back together
5. Get on with life.


(463 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

It's a matter of finding the balance. I was originally using ribbon cable, but it was too thin for the distance I was trying to span... and it seems that wire I'm using is too thick for the shorter distance.

Unfortunately, I just broke my cart port, and need to get a new one.

Anyway, I'm going back to using the ribbon cable. I think it will be perfect for the three inches I want to travel.
In the mean time; I might as well load the flash cart software onto my laptop (hadn't done that yet)

Clean all of the built up flux from the motherboard...

...and do a little bodywork.

Now I just need to procure (yet another) DMG to butcher.


(48 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I'm patching in PUTR right now.


(463 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

It's been ages... so, how the hell are ya?
I'm doing good(ish) so let's cut the crap and get back to work!

Well, I dragged out the keyboard.
I sure did leave everything a mess. I don't exactly remember where I left off, so we're entering the proverbial "Zone of Discovery"!

I left a TON of wires hanging, and I didn't label anything.
Luckily, the inside still looks pretty well sorted.

Couldn't tell you which one controls volume and which one's for the contrast.

Soldered some shit back together.


Time to do some trouble shooting.

I'm gonna go pick 'em up from the post office int he morning.
Super excited.


(463 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Sooooooo... Yeah, I didn't work on the keyboard today.
I do have a good reason why.

Bit Trip Saga.
Signed by the development team!


Hoping to get a chance to meet Edmund McMillan (creator of Super Meat Boy) who is also a Santa Cruz local.


(463 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Word up.
I'll try to have an update for you guys tomorrow.


(463 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

viciousitaly wrote:

Super sweet, except for one (probably minor) thing - if you're gonna make some use of that funky XY joystick controller above your screen, your hand will cover the screen when you use it.

Actually planning on installing a port to use an NES controller as a peripheral interface.
The X/Y pot will be used for the pitchmod.


(463 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

It's a little early to be attempting another project, but I had some quick ideas that I wanted to physically look at, and I decided to gut the new keyboard.
Got this nice row of 10k board mount potentiometers.

A selection of various switches and jacks.

Any thoughts on my potential screen placement?


(463 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

E-Mu threw out another mule!
My dad (being more of a geek than I am) brought it to me, figuring that I'd want to make some more equipment out of it... and he was right!
Once I debug the current keyboard and do all the finish work, there's definitely going to be a sequel!
Keyboy 2.0?


(463 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Another Castle wrote:

That better not have been an April fools day joke, d3th.

Nah man.
I'm just hella busy trying to get my web show back on track. My computer's death wreaked some serious havoc on my already chaotic schedule, and set me WAY back. Once I get the flow going again, I'll get back to work.

Promise wink

Fumbled a laptop together.
It's not much, but it keeps things rolling until I have my work computer running.
I hate being poor.

Send it to me.


(12 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Nah. I added the dongle because it seemed to make sense... and I didn't have any 1/4" panel mount stereo jacks at the time. It served me well, as I now have slightly more room in my DMG for mods and wiring.