(463 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I took a break from painting and installed my backlight.

That shit looks hella sick.
(the white specks are pvc filings from my desk, and they're just on the surface.)


(463 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

nerdsome wrote:

Well if you have a piece like that available or something else similar of interest (an shipping rates aren't ridiculous) let me know and I'll buy one.  Especially the Delorean piece (my wife loves back to the future).

I take custom orders and commissions. I've sent some paintings to Europe and Australia, and while it is a bit pricey, it's not murderously expensive.
HEY! I could even send that DMG power jack with it!


(463 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Checked the mail and discovered that the parts I ordered are already here!
Damn, Kitsch. You get shit in the post HELLA FAST! I ordered this stuff on Friday.

Fuck! Did I accidentally order CGB buttons?

Well Kitsch, get a set of clear-orange DMG buttons ready...


(463 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

nerdsome wrote:

I'd hang that on my wall!  Or walls.  I collect unique art and graffiti so it would fit in well in my flat.

All I ever wanted was to be an artist, and do something creative for a living. It didn't start happening until I was 27. Now I'm 28, I pay my rent and feed my dog with my art, and I don't have to have a "real job" anymore! But, when there is a sudden interest in my work, I end up making a fair amount of scratch, and have a little wiggle room to do some impulsive shopping.


(463 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

On a non-chip related note, I got a message from someone on my deviantart account in regards to one of my paintings.
The Painting in Question

It apparently has become very popular with a massive French BTTF fan group, and there might end up being a list of pre-orders... and I'll get to make another limited run of these paintings!
The group's Facebook page.

I get exited when people take an interest in my art!


(463 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

SPORK94 wrote:

So after this all made what color schemes do you envision it to be?

Something industrial. You'll have to wait and see... mostly because I'm not 100% sure what the final result will be.


(463 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

All I have is the EMS. I only started doing chip 16 days ago, and I haven't made my MBC5 cart yet... I figured I'd have my keyboard working, and that was going to be my next project.


(463 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

No sound, image scrambled, game frozen.

Works fine.


(463 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I'll try it.


(5 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

› here's mine


(5 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Dude, I'm having a very similar problem.
My inverted palette works, but my normal one doesn't have any mid-tones. I've rewired it 4 times with 4 different 74HC04's, but the results are unchanged.


(463 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Alley Beach wrote:

i dont think it has to do with the frequency at all. possibly a dirty cart connector or something silly. can you test a different game besides tetris thats not on the EMS cart? also, after modding about 40 back PCB's about 3-5 of them were sour to start of with, there may be a possibility that the back pcb could be bad =/

I've tested my keyboard with all 127 of my hardcopy games, and all of them work. The flash cart will boot images on the keyboard without a problem. Anything loaded onto the cart that requires loading from ram or accessing higher address lines, either doesn't boot, or crashes almost immediately. The flash cart works without any problems on all of my other hardware, including my Super Gameboy and Gameboy Player. I've tested with other motherboards and cartridge ports (in multiple combinations) but always with the same result. I've been scouring the internet for information regarding this problem, but despite all of my masterful google-fu, I've come up with nothing, and appear to be the only person to try this.


(463 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

So, here we go. Let's fix that timing.
There's a 4.194304 mhz crystal in there. My thinking is that it's running too fast, and that's why I can't access the ram on my flash cart.

As an example of my timing issue; let's flash a game onto the cart.

› how about kirby?

Now let's test it.

› on my gaming DMG

Okay. On the keyboard, it boots to the load screen, but there's no music and it freezes.

› Freezing on the Keyboard

I just need some slower crystals.

› Oh look, here's some... how convenient.

Now lets experiment.

› 3.992 mhz

The screen is super glitched, BUT the game boots, and there is some music. Unfortunately, the game crashes shortly after.
It's progress though.

› let's try the 3.579 mhz crystal.

There's no screen shot for that one. It'll play music vvvveeerrrrryyyyy sssssslllllllloooooooooowwwwlllyyyyyyyyy, but I couldn't test the game play because nothing boots if the daughter board is plugged in.



(463 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Most of my day was spent working in my yard. While I was part way through consolidating the remainder of my firewood, I struck upon something funny, and had to take a picture:

› Whoever said video games had no real world application, obviously never played Tetris, or had a fireplace

Anyway, I spent a little time working on my keyboard. I installed the knobs for the contrast and headphone volume control.

› A peak at the squigly bits


(463 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

So, yesterday and today was spent soldering... meticulously soldering.
Totally worth it. Everything fits in the case (so far) and everything that's hooked up works (except LSDj of course).

› Just look at what I had to deal with...

I also made another video where I sound like a complete dork.


(10 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Signed up for the news letter.
I'm an absolute noobcake with chip. DO WANT!