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Search options (Page 9 of 38) / Forums / Posts by Teh D3th St4r
Topics by Teh D3th St4r
Posts found: 129-144 of 593
2PLAYER wrote:THIS LOOKS AWESOME. i hope you have a CRT going in there instead of an led
It's going to have a TFT display. There just wouldn't be room for the CRT. A monitor with such a narrow diameter would be about 11" long, and the NES is only 8" deep.
This is a kind of "what if" piece. What if Nintendo had thin and power efficient screen technology back then, would they have built this? Maybe.
It's like if a Nintendo concept sketch from the 80's could suddenly be a reality.
And thanks for all the positive feedback, guys. It makes going forward with this project seem more glamorous.
So... Yeah. I got distracted.
I was doodling, and this happened:

Then the Internet thought it was dope as fuck, so I made a rough mockup.

I stared at it for a few minutes... Decided that it looked a little too awkward for an 80's tribute build.
It got a complete redesign.

The shape still needs a tiny bit of tweaking, but this is basically what it'll look like when it's done

Already ordered all the parts to build this thing.
You've been warned.
Here's my next one (in progress).
A prize for a Pokémon X&Y competition at my favorite game store.
Should be ready in about a week.

PianoGameboy wrote:How do you pull off all the funky peeled/cracked textures and stuff with the paint? Looks awesome.
I'd have to make a tutorial video to thuroughly explain the process. It's not particularly complicated, but it is really easy to scew it up... If I typed it out; I'd forget a step, do it in the wrong order, or not explain something properly. Then there would be ruined paint jobs.
SubWooferSpecial wrote:Quality stuff all up in this thread, man.
Thanks man. I'm always trying to improve.
Alley Beach wrote:I wanna see some non post-apocalyptic stuff
this does look cool though 
I'm working on some bright, shiny, and LOUD mods at this very moment.
There's only two more wasteland mods left to finish, and that'll be the end of them (unless I get commissioned to do more)
Glass that thin seems sketchy.
But, I'm pretty sure anyplace that does custom glass would make it for you (frame shop maybe?) but I'd order several, as you'll invariably break one.
Here's a pair of GBA's I just got done with.
One is mine (obviously) and the other went to my local independent videogame store.

Stay tuned... Got a Pokédex GBA sp mod coming up.
Alright, we're finished.
Clearcoat did some weird shit, but I think it looks better for it.

My last GBA was met with considerably more praise than I had expected (well, not here, but elsewhere) so I decided to customize my personal AGS-101 in a similar fashion.
It's been quite the hit on Instagram.

I'll post some more pics after I get a nice clear coat on it and reassembled.
Quick custom I did for Lavel Up.

Zuberi wrote:Wouldnt you have problems with the chairs on the top and botton right corners? maybe you should put closer the monitors from the right side.
No chairs go in the corners. There's going to be cabinets underneath for wiring, and small shelves up top for consoles to sit in.
I'm going to be building it in modular sections off-site, so it'll go together like ikea.
It's a small business, so they can afford to be closed for a day... Especially in Santa Cruz.
So, here it is.
The new gamer lounge for Level Up Video Games and Santa Cruz... 1:6 scale.
98% accurate on the dimensions. 8 gaming stations, and 4 large monitors for competition viewing.
I want to get to work on this SO BAD. But first I need to figure out my order of operations, create a construction schedule, make it modular (has be installed in one night) and then create an itemized shopping list...
I love this kind of work.

Kyhan wrote:Just read through this entire thread. Your mods are sick!
What tools did you use for carving the plastic out of R4G3 QU!T?
Also, [insert obligatory comment about Keyboard here].
Thanks man.
R4G3 QU!T was carved with two square patterns files, #11 x-acto knife, 600 grit sandpaper, an emery board, and shishkabob skewers... and a LOT of pacience and care.
(that is the exact list of stuff I used)
Nxtstep wrote:It does. like it survived a disaster. (needs more gold and nes buttons).
It also needs to be sold for twice it's value! Poor indie musicians love paying too much for inferior equipment.
Other serious question:
What makes you think anyone would pay that much for a simple inside painted clearboy with use NES buttons?
My cheap DMG's are more elaborately modded and painted.
Also (not sure if anyone mentioned this) the PiL gameboys weren't released in 1989... I think it was 92-93?
Glad you tried modding, but if you hope to sell anything, you need to be more realistic with your pricing.
If I couldn't sell this one for $120, your gold thing has no hope.

Posts found: 129-144 of 593 / Forums / Posts by Teh D3th St4r