(15 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Yeah, that sounds about right, it comes to roughly $10. However, to get to the damn thing I have to travel halfway across the country and navigate the Seoul subway in summer (fuck summer). As far as trades go, I am interested in backlit DMG's, flashcarts and any musical things, really.


(2 replies, posted in Releases)

Hi! I Like Your Music, And I Normally Dislike Dance Music. Your Videos Are Insane! Ducks Are Awesome!


(15 replies, posted in Trading Post)

*This Game Boy is as good as traded*

So I got the White DMG, and it's great! The screen works just fine (i think the dude didn't notice the contrast wheel, lol), no dead lines, nothing! The speaker works, the headphone jack works, all the buttons register, the battery contacts are clean, and the battery cover is included. All it really needs is a good cleaning and a new screen cover, and you will have a damn near perfect white DMG!
Here are some some photos, as you can see in the last photo, there is a little scratch near the cartridge slot:

I'm looking to trade ONLY, and would like something of relevant value, like a backlit grey DMG + flashcart, some type of sample player/sampler, or whatever. I would also be willing to trade the shell + buttons only if you want, let me know what you have smile
I'm not exactly desperate to get rid of it, so if I don't get any worthwhile offers for trade, I'm keeping it.


(6 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

This is so nice heart


(58 replies, posted in Collaborations)

Sent! I think I'll be able to do another, Paranoid, if nobody objects, of course.


(12 replies, posted in Releases)

Checked this out earlier. Dope beats man! Also, LOVE the vid smile


(1 replies, posted in Circuit Bending)

This is a pretty cool idea, but...Arduino? Code? Analogue? I confuse.... Analogue-moddeling perhaps?

It sounds like the ribbon cable connecting the 2 PCBs is getting pinched/fucked when you close the case. Make sure you insert it PERFECTLY and that it doesn't fold or bend funny when you close it up. Unfortunately DMGs are old and the ribbon cables become very fragile over time. If nothing works, try to find a replacement cable or front PCB.


(12 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Um, I think the FIRST thing you should have mentioned is that you WON'T be making music with it. If you are not going to be making music, don't bother with the prosound, it will have no benefits for gaming. If you NEED more bass from your games, use BEATSbyDRE!


(13 replies, posted in Circuit Bending)

I think 400 Euro is fucking ridiculous! The unit is pretty cool and whatever, but shit, it can do VERY LITTLE, and you can probably pick up a NEW Arturia Minibrute for 400.


(58 replies, posted in Collaborations)

My track is nearly finished! Can I submit 2? (There are 34, so I doubt they will ALL be scooped up)


(13 replies, posted in Circuit Bending)

How about somebody post schematics for the mods to PROVE that they actually know what they are doing? I *promise* I won't use it myself tongue


(58 replies, posted in Collaborations)

This whole thing is just too perfect. I love how there is some completely obscure writing at the bottom of the picture!

Saskrotch has a pretty good triplet tutorial here . It has legit math and stuff.


(58 replies, posted in Collaborations)

Holy shit, this is pure gold! I'm in, and I call "Motherfucker".

Monotribe is so much fun!!! This is VERY nicely done smile Love it.