Girls have it easier.
Just last week : "Wait. You're studying assembly, drink whiskey and help organize Toy Company?! I know a lot of guys who'd be into you."
Me stares. Guy blushes.

I am also partial to any place that won't give me a hard time letting me in/drink with my yy/mm/dd frenchie ID. Yes, I am looking at you, Bell House gorilla goons.

Hey guys, can we have an awesome post-Blip at Public Assembly again? Or Santos Party House? I love Santos.
I also loved the Pianos matinée. I suspect cheap as fuck supersized frozen margaritas had something to do with it, though.


Total shocker.

Blip needs more ZX.

Less parkas, more bikinis.

Mandatory wishlist :

People from the future:

Gens du présent :

Ladies' choice (that would be Gzom and myself) :


(274 replies, posted in General Discussion)

New twitter account : @gash_down
Do a follow. :3

Also, RE : BeOS :

"No 7200s, first generation NuBus Power Macs, and no PowerBooks are compatible."

Installing it can be. Finding your way through your files too. So is backing up.
I remember having major problems formatting my texts when I first used Word for Mac. It took me a few days to get used to it.
Fuck a BeOS, OK?


(41 replies, posted in Releases)

I was all excited about a new A.M.U. EP and then I was all "oh."
I only have myself to blame : terrible at album names.

If you don't have it already, download it. NOW.

Although I have an interest  in alternative OSes, this is meant to be a FUSS-FREE TYPEWRITER.
I do not want to have to go through the hassle of learning how to use an OS just to use a text editor.

Updates :
-I tried to install 10.2, but the installer was WAY too slow. (It took about 30 minutes just to get past the language selection), so I dropped it.
-When I tried installing 9.2 a very weird thing happened.
So, I selected to boot from CD from Yaboot.
I heard the cd-drive read the CD a few seconds, then Open Firmware came up with two options (IIRC it was "Type 'mac-boot' to boot from CD or 'shutdown' to shutdown" or something like that) but, within 1-2 seconds, before I can type anything, an error comes up "CANNOT FIND METHOD DRAW-RECTANGLE" + an error number. The cursor is frozen, I can't do anything. Pressing and holding down the power button doesn't even do anything : I had to pull the plug on it (thanks for dead batteries). I tried a 2nd time and the exact same thing happened. Yelling at it "JUST SKIP DRAWING THAT STUPID RECTANGLE YOU BIG DUMBFUCK" didn't help. I don't know what is spawning that error : Open Firmware or 9.2's installer. :-/

I won't put any money on it : I got it for free.
This guy … rbook.html recommends OS 9.
He says 10.3.9 runs very slow (duh!) but says nothing on 10.1 or 10.2 hmm
I only ever used OS 9 for a few minutes on a G3 iMac and didn't like it much, I'd much rather use OS 10 provided it's not EXTREMELY slow.

Waiting for registration to be approved by admins to be able to post on that board.

arfink wrote:

I would suggest going with Debian if you can swing getting a brand new HDD for the Lombard.

George wrote:

I could always swap it with the clamshell's (10GB), but cracking that beast open is a bitch, and I'd probably have to fix some stuff in Debian anyways.

Basically, I'd rather avoid messing with the hardware and want the simplest option possible


OK, this is not really chipmusic-related, but I figured you guys would be able to give me a few tips from personal experience.

I've got a Lombard Powerbook (G3 333 mhz, 128 mb ram, 2GB HDD) I want to use solely as a typewriter.
I already have a more powerful clamshell iBook running Debian + fluxbox I've been using for that, but the battery is completely dead- which spawns a lot of clock-related errors upon booting- and the fan is getting increasingly noisy, and I now get more and more errors upon booting which makes me believe it's bound to die on me anytime soon.

The Lombard is already running Debian (Lenny), but without a GUI, because, well, 2GB HDD.
I could always swap it with the clamshell's (10GB), but cracking that beast open is a bitch, and I'd probably have to fix some stuff in Debian anyways.

Basically, I'd rather avoid messing with the hardware and want the simplest option possible - I only mean to use it as a typewriter anyways (I'm a writer, I have chronic tendinitis in both forearms and those keyboards are the ones that inflict the least pain BY FAR and it does make a difference between being able to type for only an hour or 3-4).

Here are the options I'm considering :

-Older version of Debian + fluxbox or blackbox
Pros+cons : my OS of choice, but installing it on a PPC always requires more work and I'm dealing with a French keyboard which always makes it a bitch in console mode (special characters like pipes and tildes aren't printed on it, you have accented characters instead) and harder to map properly. Also, not sure older versions are available on Debian servers (haven't checked).

-Mac OS 9
Seems like the instinctive choice, but would mean having to learn how to deal with it since I've never used it.

-Mac OS 10.1 or 10.2
Wondering if it'd be slower than 9.2.
Would probably be the easiest ones to use out-of-the-box for me since I've used 10.4.11 a bit.
And then...if I go for 10, should it be 10.1 or 10.2? Or even 10.3?! 10.4 won't run.



Targeted at people who love tracking while on crack.
It'd definitely help make tracking less nerdy and sell it to popular musicians.

Tracking With The Stars

It'd be a very lousy and gay tracker.
If you suck at tracking, 4mat humiliates you and you get kicked off the program.

But if I was to actually make a tracker...well it wouldn't be a tracker. I'd just make a rip-off of mariopaint but with more yoshis and fart sounds.


(9 replies, posted in Releases)

You can't read.


(9 replies, posted in Releases)

Back in my day, mini-eps didn't exist.

We had singles : 2 songs, one of which would give it it's name (the A-Side) and some studio left-over of a track (the B-Side)
There was also Maxi-Singles : 3 to 5 songs, the first one being the single/A-side, the others being remixes, live tracks, studio left-overs, something bummed from a Peel session.
The Extended Play (E.P.). more often than not, it'd be an artist's first release before a L.P., or sometimes an established one would publish one. In that case it'd be mostly for hardcore fans since it'd more often than not be made of "weird shit". for its length...well it's the same kind of problem that the novel has with the novella...but as a rule of thumb, it'd be anywhere for 5 to 8 songs, and wouldn't be longer than 30 minutes.

I'm old and don't understand chip formats.