(112 replies, posted in General Discussion)

This thread made me realize how nerdy I am. :-/
And to think that every time I go to the US, customs officers look at me as if I am lying when I declare being a comp. sci. student. Once one even said to me that I "didn't look the part". Good thing I had my last report with me.


(112 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I have a passion for made up languages.
As a teen, friends and I would speak the French version of Nadsat.
I blame Newspeak for me taking all those semiology classes as a literature student.
When I was 7yo I asked for a dictionary for Christmas. I would spend hours reading it.
I have to say that I can still waste a fair amount of time browsing through dictionaries.

Also, I support the Doctor Who comp project.


(112 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Semi-retro computing + unix-likes : Dell 133 lappy running on FreeBSD, clamshell iBook running on Debian, and an iLamp (G4 iMac) that I wanna dualboot OS X / Fedora. Why? BECAUSE.

I'm not a fan of video games in general, but I could play Soul Calibur II and/or Bushido Blade I or II 24/7.

Doctor Who obsessed.

And finally, I don't know if it counts as "nerdy", but I own 15+ different red lipsticks. And I definitely need more. Can never get enough.

Oh and I use to play in a Cyberpunk LARP.
I've read the whole (original) Dune Saga at least 5 times.

RE : Kangaroo, if I can order kangaroo tartar in a Hochelaga, Montreal, restaurant, I bet you can find it anywhere in the world. It's a bit like horse or moose meat, taste wise. I usually have red meats raw, so I wouldn't know for steak or jerky.

Toy Company est fier de présenter 60Hz Beta Beat @ LoFi Loft

LoFi Loft : 1410 rue Wolfe, Montréal (métro Beaudry)

Apportez vos souliers de danse.
Apportez votre alcool.
Apportez vos jeux de Super Nintendo et Sega Dreamcast.


Touchboy - TO
Natty - NJ
Battle Lava - MTL
J. Arthur Keenes - TO

DJ Pocaille

Visuels : Ika et XC3N

Invité spécial :

(Arrivez dès l'ouverture des portes pour participer)

11$ Prévente sur http://drownspire.com/Tickets
15$ Porte


TOUCHBOY : http://www.myspace.com/touchboy
Touchboy est le projet electro-disco-chiptune de David Stevers de Toronto. Son but : recontextualiser la technologie des consoles de jeux vidéo rétro au sein de la culture de la musique Dance en synthétisant un mélange unique de basses électros, de Space Disco et de Game Boys mélodiques. Chaque performance est entièrement reconstruite, unique et livrée avec une intense ferveur.
Écoutez sa dernière performance : http://soundcloud.com/touchboy/touchboy … th-disco-4

NATTY : http://www.nattyadams.com/
Natty est Nathaniel Adams : auteur, musicien et Président de l'Institut pour l'Élégance. Il compose de la musique sur des logiciels opérant sur des consoles portables, telles que la PSP, le Nintendo Game Boy, et (dès que quelqu'un aura développé un logiciel musical pour celui-ci), le Amazon Kindle 2. Il réside à Jersey City, New Jersey, où il passe la grande part de son temps tiré à quatre épingles. Il est le créateur de nombreux cocktails et le bénéficiaire de moult baisers et battements de cils.
Écoutez son dernier album : http://hexawe.net/hex0030_happy_fizz_by_natty.mp3

BATTLE LAVA : http://www.myspace.com/battlelavamusic
Battle Lava est le projet solo de Chipmusic d'Alexander Wescott utilisant le Nintendo Game Boy comme source de son et d'inspiration. N'utilisant jamais la scène, il est en contact direct avec la foule...attendez-vous à une expérience hors du commun!
Écoutez son dernier album : http://battlelava.bandcamp.com/album/eat-your-world

BEASTMODE : http://www.myspace.com/beastmodegrrr

DJ Pocaille : http://www.pocaille.com/


Go eat a vegan.

I don't like vegans.


(25 replies, posted in Releases)

A few months ago, I asked friends to create algzèbres (or "algezebras") to keep me company in the Mathematics Jungle. Obviously, minusbaby had to outdo himself.

Oh great news!
Tell Sarah I can always proof-read both of them if need be.

I can't speak for others, but I have no problem with Walon. Party like it's mille neuf cent nonante-neuf? big_smile


(15 replies, posted in Releases)

Oh Sukie, you make me look like a gay man. I'm just a piece of brkfst cereal.


(15 replies, posted in Releases)

Hey! Don't forget Jetta, the 4th Misfit. You know, the brit saxophone player with the zebra hair!
Also, quite enjoyed that release.


(29 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Analog wrote:

if you put it on youtube there's an experimental (sometimes shitty) translator. It can help for everyone to (almost) fully understand it.

Oh I think that translator would be slightly baffled by the amount of montrealese slang in that video tongue


(29 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Jellica wrote:

sorry my sarky comment on 8bc asking for polish subtitles over a spanish dub probably didn't help smile

Quite the contrary. smile

Sorry if I came off as someone with no sense of humor. sad


(13 replies, posted in Releases)



(29 replies, posted in General Discussion)

akira^8GB wrote:
George wrote:

5- Yes, for people outside of Quebec it might not make any sense. For us it does. Thank you for your misunderstanding of the situation here.

Wow over reaction o_O
I just suggested subtitles for the ONLINE VERSION of this video, which looks super cool.
It was a suggestion not a complaint. The video rocks.

Sometimes I wish my internet access got removed.

Sorry Akira, that wasn't aimed at you. Just trying to dodge any comments that usually follow such explanations.

10k wrote:

So good.

So many lip piercings.

We're still trying to talk Jérôme into getting a lip piercing so the team can be 100% lip-pierced.


(29 replies, posted in General Discussion)

infradead wrote:

so you are french!!!

i knew it..

Oh you! :3