(29 replies, posted in General Discussion)

No, I don't think they were.
They were just doing their school assignment.
But I've seen elsewhere people complaining about the fact that the title was in English, yet part of the video was in French.
I've been told multiple times by Americans and Canadians, that I was trying to help by telling them how it'd be if they were to visit, that we were "retarded" for not translating everything in English. It does grow on you at some point.

Now, regarding the subtitling job itself : I'd be able to do it myself, but here's why I won't :
Considering most people featured in this video are able to understand both languages, at least to some extent, I would not feel comfortable with uploading a subtitled version that wouldn't have been approved by everyone appearing in it. And THAT would be a fucking huge headache and I'm not willing to deal with it.


(29 replies, posted in General Discussion)

There have been a few questions/demands/complaints that have been brought up to my attention regarding this video.
Here are some facts :

1- It was a school project
2- 95% of the population here understand both French and English.
3- Being in Quebec and according to the laws here, if it aired on TV, they would only be required to subtitle in French the English parts.
4- According to the same laws on protection of French in Quebec, a cultural product can have an English name even if its content is in French. Same goes with trademarks. Everything else has to be labeled in French.
5- Yes, for people outside of Quebec it might not make any sense. For us it does. Thank you for your misunderstanding of the situation here.


Documentary in English and French featuring tons of Montreal artists and live footage from glomag, starpause and trash80.



(15 replies, posted in Releases)

James, you owe me bourbon for destroying my childhood.


(15 replies, posted in Releases)

Also, why is Roxy portrayed with a cameltoe?!


(15 replies, posted in Releases)


That's it, I'm putting those 0.00 Zimbabwean dollars towards my education instead of buying a Pizzazz-less Misfits album.

And by "education", I mean bourbon, of course.

Are those PUBES I see coming out of those pink hot pants?

/me pukes in mouth a little

Considering the amount of time and energy Mono has dedicated to this, trolling seems out of the question...


(23 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Beverage wrote:


(23 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Never seen it, but it looks great! the aesthetic made me think right away of Shadoks, a cult late 60's French cartoon. Here's one where they illustrate base 4 calculus by throwing shadoks (who could only count up to 4) in garbage cans, and then throwing the garbage cans in bigger garbage cans. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQ8rPlksAu8


(141 replies, posted in General Discussion)

It's my middle name.

celsius wrote:
George wrote:

What for?

SECS! big_smile

And there I was thinking that there was only one gay man in there. Sorry. OK. Bring 'em condoms.


What for?