(32 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Now if I could only make the Piggy run on a Penguin...


(32 replies, posted in General Discussion)

This just in : nobody eats what you guys call "Canadian Bacon" here. We don't know why you call it "Canadian Bacon".

This thread is now about BACON.


(32 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Get a blog?

Will wait for a 40k Harlequin DMG.

herr_prof wrote:

Cause its terrible?

And since when is that a reason for people to not cover songs?

Saskrotch : DO EET!

And I was being a cunt wink

Saskrotch wrote:

the worst day of my life was when my dog had to be put to sleep


The worst day in my life was when I learned my father had cancer.
And then, the 2nd worst day was when I learned that surgery did nothing for it.

Also, the day my dog, who taught me how to walk as a toddler, had to be put to sleep, was pretty horrible too.

Oh but certainly not as bad as a corrupted cart day can be, definitely.


(299 replies, posted in Past Events)

smiletron wrote:

i like vodka o.O

If you are legal in QC, be my fucking guest!


(299 replies, posted in Past Events)

enso wrote:

I'm likin' all this vodka talk.

Well, like I always say : if it's legal in QC, it's legal anywhere I am...be prepared to vodka.


(299 replies, posted in Past Events)

Seb, are you gonna vodka with us?!?


(53 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Oh you are soooo yiffable, baby!


(299 replies, posted in Past Events)

Oh believe me, there will be.


(299 replies, posted in Past Events)

enso wrote:

ZX partayyy

ZX + Vodka?
This pic needs more attribute clash!


(299 replies, posted in Past Events)

enso wrote:

yerzmyey up in hurrr

+ mister beep.

ZX, fuck yeah!


(53 replies, posted in General Discussion)

enso wrote:
George wrote:

The EXTRATONE session
March 2010, Cambridge MA

At Mikrosopht's, doodling with minusbaby's DS. I guess that's about as much chip music I can ever get.
(picture by minusbaby)

George isn't a man?!?!?

Oh you!