(1 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

have an off switch (for the mod) if you get a variable clock


(10 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

paint houses. a couple grand profit from a  project is pretty sweet.


what i said was bull stuff is the notion that all music should be pleasing to the ear. like the rule about not using parraell fifths, for example...  tell me why  I cant.
I would actually teach you to play hockey. I've been on the ice since I was a tike.
no but seriously... what are some textbook theory rules that are helpful? my theory classes sucked. we skipped chapters,

I am at your mothers house.

I am under the impression that ear training  and sight singing would help you. theory is not relevant unless you wanna copy or perform other peoples music. problem is that theory is intertwined. writing down ideas can be done in other ways than notes on a paper. do you have a voice recorder? they are cheap ($40 for a sony that will capture at 128)... hum your thought-tunes into it. this is where ear training will help you (like minor 2nd is jaws song)
if its all too much too fast, a tascam  guitar trainer can slow down mp3's so you can try to pound out the notes on an instrument.
theory will try to tell you that a semitone under an octave needs to resolve up. i say bull sh*t. dissonance is the new pot. Its time to stop sounding like beethoven already.
No matter what, expect to put time into learning. learn what is useful. learning key signatures might just be a waste of time if  your intent is to never read sheet music, but compose in trackers.

chiptune jesus


(6 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

simple answer... no. if you paid someone like 12ianma to do it, im sure your cart would still work after the repair. he changed mine to green.

Dont mod anything starting out (you can take hiss out of recordings with audacity really easily)... get an ems cart from kitsch bent, donate some $'s to lsdj, get some rechargable aa, and get to work. i cant wait to hear some of your tunes. your atomic purple gbc will be a good tool.


(8 replies, posted in Trading Post)

i would take up donations and buy the shit out of it. afterall i am in the us...i would be the keeper (defended myself from 2 muggings).... i would not allow it to be modded in any way (except for the bar im handcuffed to). I would, of course, need a plane ticket to the UK so i could go to superbyte also. smile I wonder if it has speakers or a line out...


(25 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

why is my everdrive not showing this in my roms folder? do i have to rename the file or something to get it to show up? i redownloaded it and the file size on my sd card is (when viewed through my pc) 40k, and same as before it is not showing up when in the everdrive.


(25 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

this is not showing up on my n8... the file was 0bytes... is there another spot to download this rom?

you have to change the command line yourself for what you want it to do. edit it in notepad.


(7 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I've never had a problem with a derpcart


(56 replies, posted in General Discussion)

cubic ninja and pants

this is badass. similar sounds as a circuit bent casio sa-20.