(16 replies, posted in Collaborations)

Yes, the chiptune style that you all love to hate, but always seem to end up liking.
for those unsure of what hairtune is.. this is how Dot.AY explained it in Chipbass Monthly.

Dot.AY wrote:

basically it refers to trance, house, four-to-the-floor style melodic chiptunes

here are the rules...

-One submission per artist
-Collaborations are allowed (though it will count as a submission for both artists)
-Tracks must be at least 1:30 in length at 320k
-No covers or remixes allowed
-All tracks submitted after May 10th will not make the compilation

submissions to [email protected]

If anyones interested in doing the cover art, please let me know

so my album release is coming up and im hoping to get some visuals sorted, but since i'll be playing as well as using my laptop, i wont be able to use any sort of visual program to keep it running through all of the sets.

i was hoping someone could do me a long running or looping visual show in a video format which i could just leave on throughout everyone's sets.

thanks in advance!


(4 replies, posted in Trading Post)

id honestly rather sell it on for someone else to use rather than me having it and not use it, especially seeming as i dont have the tools to begin thinking about fixing it!


(4 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Yellow DMG with internal prosound and a blue backlight

since ive bought this, its had a problem of outputting audio to the left side when using heaphones or speakers.

its a lovely looking system and its a shame that it has the said problem, but before i put it up on ebay, i thought it could catch the eye of some modders on here who are willing to try and fix it (if possible) or just anyone who wants it general.

if anyones interested, shoot me a mail at [email protected]



(0 replies, posted in Releases)

Heres a bunch of tracks which I thought I'd never get back after the huge data loss my computer suffered last year, but I finally got my hands on these tracks once again to release them as I originally intended.
These tracks were wrote over 2009/2010 and are that of which got me into my comfort zone of composing.

I hope you enjoy listening to these songs as much as I did writing them smile

http://www.archive.org/details/TakeMyHa … ;reCache=1

thanks for the review of the album sampler. i'd be more than happy to send you the full album to review if you like smile


(64 replies, posted in Trading Post)

■Henry Homesweet - Palm Trance

■Kid Icarus - Kid "Iciris" EP

■White 1.5mm Nonfinite Backlighting Kit

▲ would be a great statement to make about why i want these 3 items. but seriously, Henry Homesweet and Kid Icarus are 2 of my favourite artists and i'd love to add them to my very small CD collection, Kid Icarus inspired pretty much all of my chipstep stuff along with Homesweet inspiring me over the past year when i heard a few tracks off of Palm Trance.
I'd also love to have the backlighting kit because i've always wanted to have a blast at backlighting a gameboy myself smile

i hope this catches your eye smile


(17 replies, posted in Releases)

ill also try and get the next one released on a chip netlabel for a bit more recognition smile


(17 replies, posted in Releases)

J. Arthur Keenes wrote:

I did something for this ages ago, or maybe it was something ant1 was doing, but anywho, it's not on this thing so here it is: http://chipmusic.org/j.+arthur+keenes/music/couchgrass

i did put a list of people in the thread who i needed resubmissions from, i couldnt find your track around the forums.
but i may do another one of these soon because all of the tracks that were submitted were so good and i really enjoyed listening to them.

i'll get you chipmusic-ers on this one too if i get around to doing it smile


(186 replies, posted in General Discussion)


quite a lot of non-chip stuff on there too big_smile

"why do you listen to that shittune"


(101 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Bit Shifter - The Information Chase
Shirobon - WE LIK BRK
Henry Homesweet - Palm Trance
Knuckle Joe - Home Ground

and some others which i cant remember off the top of my head


(265 replies, posted in General Discussion)

people giving a damn about 8bc? its just like 2009 again :3


(13 replies, posted in General Discussion)

MCP wrote:

fucking hipsters
