(12 replies, posted in General Discussion)

GXSCC alert!

These are sampled pretty poorly if I'm being completely honest.... The track is still present in all but two of the samples.

The way to go about getting these isolated from the rest of the track in the background would be to open up the .sid into a sid player like SidPlay and mute the unwanted channels before you record them. Or even better find a way to do this on a real commodore 64. No doubt there are ways.

+1 for Sonic Charge's Bitspeek


(7 replies, posted in Constructive Criticism)

YellerYeller wrote:

Haha sorry i'm a bluegrass boy at heart so forgive me for my ignorance

No worries man. Hope to hear more from you smile

1-Down wrote:

Dang dude, why so pretentious? Guy was just asking for feedback...

Wow, just wow.  I may be being punctilious, but in no way has pretension ever been my goal. Stating truths is constructive. No need for personal attacks mate.


(7 replies, posted in Constructive Criticism)

For the record, 'Chiptune' is not a Genre. It's a medium.

Jazz is right. That board is worth it man. It has taken all the fuss out of adding the mod and clearly has all data lines labels for easy assembly. Plus, it looks like theres some handy mounting holes for screwing to the plastic enclosure to make a secure connection. Connectors with high traffic like cart slots and link cables greatly benefit from these type of reinforcements. Sure you can hot-snot the connector in there with glue or epoxy but who whats to muck around with that?


(9 replies, posted in Trading Post)

>Sees usb*
>Sees midi*
>Instantly disinterested*


(45 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

Woah! Had no idea there really WAS a c64 lsdj. Is there any articles or threads more about it that you care to point me to?


(45 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)


nope, LSDJ is still the best c64 tracker ever.

Huh, I could only seem to get LSDj to work on my portable commodore.  >:)


(3 replies, posted in Releases)

Love the artwork! Cool concept

Jazzmarazz wrote:

Thanks for sharing.

Definitely man. Glad I could assist.


(29 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I don't always use this, but when I'm in a pickle, I'll record a couple bars of this with the arpeggiator on, then figure out what the notes ended up becoming afterwards.

It's useful cause you can lock it in to any scale and basically 'button mash' until it spits out something you like. Record it, Transcribe it, Rinse, Repeat

Definitely man. I feel it would possibly even appeal to the video gaming community. That s-video mod is commonly seen on gamer forums more than this site. So, if there was an all in one option I'm betting the folks that are into upgrading their consoles would desire an all in one option.

Also I know their are two version of the s-video circuit out there. I use the one that contains more passives, but I'm unsure on how much of a difference there is for others but I peronally got more banding with the simpler implimentation (Others haven't had this issue)

Heres a post with my crude test. http://chipmusic.org/forums/post/202524

It should be noted that when using the more complex circuit, the chroma output resistor should be 75Ω instead of the 33Ω that the Luma side uses.

Though I know this would add quite a bit more board space than you might want. So the simpler one found on http://www.jamma-nation-x.com/jammax/genesismods.html might be the easier option.

This was the size of my protoboard version of the larger schematic. I bet it could be optimised a heck of a lot better with a true pcb like you're doing.

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(25 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

Killer! I'm gunna solder it up on a physical cart!

For kicks I'm gunna attempt to swap out the CHR rom with some different ones. big_smile


(25 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

This work with NROM boards?


(8 replies, posted in Releases)

O_O Tasty JAMZ!